
April 8: Saudi Crimes in Yemen on a Daily Basis




The Saudi-led coalition on Yemen has continued to carry out raids on a number of provinces, causing material damage to property. It also has violated the cease-fire agreement in Hodeidah.

A source from the coastal province of Hodeidah reported on Monday that the Saudi-UAE mercenaries shelled 13 mortar shells and 7 Katyusha rockets at the property of the residents in the village of al-Sheikh in Kilo 16.

The source added that the mercenaries of the Saudi-led coalition targeted the College of Engineering, 50th Street, the city of the Sh’ab, the al-Audi company and various areas in the July 7 area using medium weapons. They also fired artillery shells towards Alrabsa and Halaqah market and the airport and Yemen Mobile intersection.

The forces of the US-backed coalition later shelled 5 mortar shells at the village of al-Koei, east of al-Durayhmi.

In the governorate of Sanaa, the Saudi aggression launched three raids on the district of the Mdfoon in the Nehm district.