
UAE, Blackwater Mercenaries Signing Secret Contract, Amid Failure of UAE’s Forces in Yemen




A US journalist revealed important details about the UAE’s relationship with Blackwater, which works to hire mercenaries to fight anywhere and on demand. The newspaper reported that while signing an agreement to bring fighters, Mohammed bin Zayed did not bring Muslim fighters out of fear they could not kill their Muslim brethren. The New York Times newspaper stated that the UAE signed with the company, headed by billionaire Eric Prince founder of (Blackwater,) an agreement which is a secret contract worth $ 529 million for the services of 800 mercenaries.

The documents showed the readiness of the force that was assembled to carry out special operations inside and outside the country, in order to protect oil lines and skyscrapers from attacks and suppress internal demonstrations or if the UAE regime faced pro-democracy demonstrations such as those sweeping the Arab world. The documents revealed on which the American journalist was based that the UAE granted the right to Blackwater mercenaries to control the unarmed crowds, which pose a danger using batons and hand weapons.

The newspaper reported the strong relationship between UAE and the United States allowed it to sign the deal and that the administration of former President Barack Obama has agreed to it. A US official told the newspaper that Gulf States and the UAE specifically do not have military experiences and it is logical to ask for foreign aid so as not to be targeted.

The reports revealed on the nationalities of the 800-strong forces have been deployed and they represent the countries of Colombia, South Africa and other foreign forces. Muslim fighters are not included in this formation because they can not be relied upon to kill Muslims. these strict rules are put by the founder of the company Eric, who moved to live in the UAE after the controversy on his company and its work.

Source:al-Masirah Net