
China Says won’t be ’Bullied’ by US Amid Trade War




China says it will not be “bullied” by the United States into agreeing to a trade deal, saying it hopes Washington does not underestimate Beijing’s determination to protect its interests, amid an escalating trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

“We hope that the US side does not misjudge the situation and not underestimate China’s determination and will to safeguard its interests,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a daily news briefing in Beijing on Tuesday.

The spokesman stressed that China had shown sincerity by sending a high-level delegation to the US for talks last weekdespite having already been threatened with new tariffs— a threat that the US laterwent forwardwith.

But China will not be bullied, Geng said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the spokesman struck an optimistic tone by saying that both countries have agreed to continue dialog.

“My understanding is that China and the United States have agreed to continue pursuing relevant discussions. As for how they are pursued, I think that hinges upon further consultations between the two sides,” he said.

The Washington-Beijing trade dispute escalated on Friday, when the US increased tariffs on 200 billion dollars’ worth of Chinese goods. US President Donald Trump has also ordered US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to begin imposing tariffs on all remaining imports from China, a move that would affect about an additional 300 billion dollars’ worth of goods.

Beijing has vowed to respond to the latest US tariffs, but has announced no details yet.

Last week, China and the US concluded the 11th round of their high-level economic and trade consultations in Washington without reaching any deal aimed at ending their trade tensions.

Trump has urged China to either sign a deal now or it will be forced to sign a far worse agreement in future.

Beijing ready to weather any trade storm: Chinese media

Meanwhile, articles on Chinese media on Monday and Tuesday took aim at Washington and its trade tactics.

China is ready to weather any trade storm triggered by the United States and fully prepared for all eventualities, according to a commentary published on the website of the China Radio International (CRI) under the China Media Group (CMG) on Monday.

Official news agency Xinhua, in an editorial on Tuesday, accused the US of “using underhanded means to achieve its aim” and of practicing “downright bullying.”

If the US thinks it “can achieve its goals with trade bullying, it is really underestimating the will and determination of the Chinese people to defend their core interests,” the editorial said.

An anchor on state broadcaster CCTV’s primetime newscast watched across China said on Monday night, “China has already given its answer: talk and the door is open, fight and we’ll fight you to the end.”

“Through 5,000 years of ups and downs, what kind of battle has the Chinese nation not seen! During the great process of realizing national rejuvenation, there will inevitably be difficulties, obstacles and even storms,” he said. “China’s policy toolbox is ready and prepared for a comprehensive response.”

Source: Press TV