
Saudi War Crimes’ Daily Update for Wednesday, May 15th, 2019




The Saudi-led coalition continues, on Wednesday, to launch raids in several governorates, killing civilian and damaging private and public properties. 

In Hodeidah, a civilian was killed in Durahmi by the UAE-Saudi mercenaries shelling of his house while they burnt another home of a citizen southwest of the same city. They also targeted the city by more than 25 artillery shells, causing severe damage to homes.

The UAE-Saudi mercenaries also shelled more than 47 artillery shells and 6 Katyusha rockets in different areas of Kylo 16, and 20 mortars in Al-Fayza area in Tahita district. They fired heavy and medium machine guns on various areas of 7 Yolio residential area in Hodeidah and bombed various areas of Hays district with artillery shells and medium machine guns.

In Saada, a citizen was injured by Saudi border guards fire in Munabih boder district. In Sanaa, the Saudi-led coalition launched a raid on the wreckage of the plane that was down in Bani Matar district.