
Coalition’s -backed Yemeni party leaders attack UAE




Saudi-backed Yemen’s Islah Islamic party (Brotherhood)’s leader on Saturday threatened to launch an attack against United Arabia Emirates (UAE) and its paid fighters in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan.

The move came following the fierce clashes between the Saudi-backed paid fighters backed by the UAE in Ataq city of Shabwah province during the past two days, killing dozens of both sides.The UAE is seeking in an attempt to launch an offensive on the paid fighters and take over Zanjubar city of Abyan.

Aden city, which was occupied by UK but now under the control of UAE, and the rest of the southern cities witness an insecurity situation that increased the assassinations of Imams of mosques and security and military leaderships
The province of Aden also witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.

The UAE took control of Aden under the pretext of confronting the so –called “Houthis” , part of the Yemeni army forces and supported the establishment and formation of armed elements  there.

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