
History of WFP, Backgrounds about Recent Statements against Sana’a Government




By: Shefa’a Abdullah

An aggressive adversary sent  armed forces to storm and loot  your country ,to stop that  all men gathered to  defend it, in a fateful battle under the slogan “to be or not to be”.

Difficult nights had passed,  the aggressor lost a lot and came to a  blocked way.

The battle calmed down completely. You  toured around, opening  the door of your house slowly, taking by  surprise because of a man in an suit coming out from  the practitioners towards you, smiling with open  arms , confirming that he is a “civilian”.

At the time when your family did not have enough food, he told you that “his humanitarian motive leaves him no room but to come to carry out his mission to help your hungry family”. You grew  happier  and happier . But when you asked “who  appointed you for this noble mission “, you would be shocked  that he is the leader of these  armed forces, which killed your brother ,wife  and your mother!!


Will you be convinced that the “basket of food” that he refer is actually contain what relieves the suffering of your family, which is caused by the same party that is still practicing fighters surrounding your home?


This is not going to deceive even a cat, when you try to give him the crumbs of your food to beat him with your stones, no matter how you look at him, he knows who you are!


But what America wants, through its president for the World Food Program, is to deceive the 29 million Yemenis who continue to be killed by bombs and die for the fifth consecutive year.


There are many views in terms of the organizations, some people believe in the values ​​raised in their titles, others assert that organizations are intelligence agencies that take humanitarian activities as cover for hidden activities that serve the agenda of their countries.


In between there are  convictions interests have been created and  reinforced by the escalation of human activity in the country, but let us tell you purely information about the World Food Program (WFP), which may change your prospective  on this organization very much.


The appointment of the head of WFP organization since its establishment in the early sixties was based on the nominations by the heads of permanent members of the Security Council and major donors to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, where he and  the President of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) decide  the proper final name to be the President of the Organization.


But in the early 1990s,  this action  became a formality when America was allowed to extend its political hegemony to the world after it was hampered by the Soviet Union, which succeeded in dismantling it in 1991, where  America began building the pillars of the “New World Order” project.


The term ” New World Order ” indicates that it  truly includes the whole world and  that inevitably will not ignore the largest organization  in its field which its workers exceed today  more than 17 thousand active workers  in more than 93 million people in 80 different countries around the world,  30 of them are  Arab and Islamic.


As US hegemony expanded rapidly from 1991 till today, appointing   a president of this organization is  always  American political person raised by the  US president and  belongs to his party, here we will list the names of the successive presidents of this organization since the early nineties till today with a brief profile of each of them, which you can verify via  Wikipedia website:


Catherine Bertney (1992 – 2002) / The Republican Party:

Was appointed by President George H. W. Bush a year before the end of his Republican presidency.


Bertney received her BA in Political Science (not Humanity), began her political career early as Chair of the Republican National Committee of Republican Scholars.


It was to absorb Republican Party supporters in the university student body and to have active polarization within her. Bertney later held several positions within the party as youth director and campaign manager for Congress To its representatives.


James Morris (2002 – 2007) / The Republican Party:

He is also a graduate of political science and has made his political career as director of the mayor’s office in Indianapolis, Indiana.


He was appointed as a president of the Food Program on the recommendation of President Bush Jr.


The organization pays tribute to what it called the largest humanitarian operation in the history of the organization, saying that it managed to feed the 26 million Iraqis; while we know very well what America was doing inside Iraq during that time period precisely, Iraq continues to suffer from America’s woes till today.



Josette Sheeran (2007 – 2012) / The Republican Party:


She holds a Bachelor of Communications, a Master of Public Relations from several senior positions on her party.


Sheeran took advantage of her strong ties with influential White House figures such as Condoleezza Rice,  appointed by her in 2005 for two years, as well as  guarantors of her political and diplomatic viability as president of the World Food Program, despite sharp EU objections to her appointment, but there was a strong pressure for Sheeran by the George W. Bush administration – according to the New York Times.


Ertharine Kazin (2012 – 2017) / Democratic Party:

She earned her doctorate in law at the age of twenty-five, Kazin began her political career in the Democratic Party to be appointed in 1993 as a Vice-Chairman of the workers of the National Democratic Committee, which is the official governing body of the Democratic Party.


President Clinton appointed her to be a White House delegate to the State Department,  she also led his  electoral campaign for his second term in 1997 to be appointed by the White House in the same year as a member of his International Development Board for Food and Agriculture Rehabilitated, because he found her able to be as a future president of his party to the World Food Program.


After the appointment of the first black president in the history of America, President Obama appointed her as the Ambassador of the United Nations Mission to the United Nations in Rome, the capital of Italy, which hosts the headquarters of the United Nations organizations on food and agriculture (WFP, FAO, IFAD).


Three years later, Kazin  was appointed as the head of the World Food Program (WFP), described by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  as “accommodating the design and implementation of food security policies for our country”



David Beasley (2017 – to now) / Republican Party (GOP):

The current President of the Organization, a political figure with no previous experience in the humanitarian field.


In 1979 he was appointed to the House of Representatives for the Democratic Party, which he represented till 1991 before joining the Republican Party, which was later nominated as the governor of the state of South Carolina.


US grants form 28 percent of the UN-approved grants and are a significant share, given that the other 72 percent of grants are mainly based on 38 countries.


According to Foreign Policy, Beasley has close personal relations with strong political leaders from South Carolina who currently occupy sensitive UN positions that put the financial fate of the organization under its control.


These characters are:


Nicky Hayley: Former Governor of the State, current US Ambassador to the United Nations appointed by Trump.


Lindsay Graham: Member of the Senate for the same mandate, current Chairman of the Committee on the Financing of the United Nations.


Mick Mulvini: Former Congressman for the state, current White House budget official who made sharp cuts at the expense of the United Nations


In the context of Beasley’s appointment, Peter Yu vice president of the UNF, said “Beasley was the right person for the job because he knew all the right politicians in Washington”.  Bertini, the former president of the post, also commented that “the rejection of Beasley’s appointment was a great excuse for Trump’s administration to move ahead with a plan to reduce its grants to the United Nations”.


The Yemeni response to WFP’s exploiting suffering of Yemeni people

Economic War


In the context of an urgent America’s financial need for its economic war with China, it must coordinate economic paths in all fields, even the humanitarian ones, but no economic steps except to serve its agenda politically and militarily at the same time.


The United States has reduced voluntary and mandatory contributions to the United Nations, which cost America up to $ 10 billion a year, Trump confirmed it when he said: “we are working to further reduce our funding for mandatory and voluntary donations so that we can allocate US resources to programs that bearing the best records of success. ”


The White House started this after Trump took office, curtailing his support for a number of UN organizations and programs and stopping it entirely at others.


The White House has suspended support for both the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which relied in a third of its budget on the United States as well as withdrew from UNESCO, which was financially dependent on it.


UNICEF and UNDP have reduced their support to $ 360 million. Trump also reduced its aid to humanitarian organizations in Palestine by denying 27,000 Palestinians in the West Bank food aid last December.


All this is not faraway of Yemen, which Beasley had previously stated at the end of 2018, after Sweden’s negotiations, reported that WFP  relies on America’s 41% ($ 2.51 billion for 2019),  and it may not be able to meet the country’s food needs, which was to provoke people against the Sana’a government once the opportunities come to withdraw.


If Sana’a government succumbed to this systematic blackmail and accepted the solution posed by the organization, that threatens sovereignty, it would require that the organization conduct field surveys in all governorates and districts to collect all the personal data of the beneficiaries (fingerprints,  and more), then US can make a major step forward in its activity in all areas that have been unable to enter militarily for more than four years till now.


Human Rights Minister: WFP Threatens to Worsen Humanitarian Disaster in Yemen


The Conclusion:

After the previous information above, which we tried to shorten as much as possible, anyone can realize that the World Food Program (WFP) has become a purely political organization in the hand of the American fist, which directed all its activities to serve the American agenda in the region, and those who are still in a doubt about it, we quote to you what is explicitly mentioned in the website of the United States missions to the United Nations:

“As the largest contributor to the United Nations entity  around the world, America has the long hand  in ensuring  the activities of these organizations so that can be run perfectly to  enhance the objectives of the United States’ foreign and domestic policy.”