
Dead, wounded in Yemeni drone attack on Abha Airport




The Yemeni army forces launched retaliatory attacks on Abha and Jizan airports in southern Saudi Arabia, leaving multiple casualties.

YemenExtra quoted its own correspondent as saying that the Yemeni drone attack on Abha Airport has left one killed and eight people wounded.

The first operation targeted the airfields and important military targets at Jizan airport. The second operation targeted Abha airport and the two operations hit their targets with high accuracy, the spkesman for the Yemeni army forces said.

“Our operations are continuing and will be more painful to the enemy in the coming days if they continue to escalate.”

The spokesman said the attacks were in retaliation for Saudi “aggression” against Yemen, saying such offensives will intensify in size and number if Riyadh continued with its bombardment and blockade of the impoverished Yemenis.

The Yemeni army forces intensified their so-called retaliatory attacks on military positions in southern Saudi territories over the past few days. The main targets in those attacks have been installations in Jizan, Najran, Abha and Khamis Mushait.

The attacks come as Saudi Arabia continues to target crowded civilian locations across Yemen heedless of international criticism.

Since June 12, the airports of Abha and Jizan have been subject to almost daily attacks by Yemenis who send their UAVs and missiles in order to paralyze the two airports and force the Saudi enemy to lift the siege on Sana’a airport and stop its raids on Yemeni territory.

Yemen has been since March 2015 under brutal war by the coalition, in a bid to restore control to fugitive president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is Riyadh’s ally.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed and injured in the strikes launched by the coalition, with the vast majority of them are civilians.