
Features and Capabilities of Samad-1, Samad-3 Drones




The Military Industries Division of the Armed Forces of Yemen revealed the capabilities and characteristics of two drones, Samad 3, and Samad 1. Scenes of Qasef K2 drones flying in the skies for the first time since being used in the front line, in addition to the flight of a surveillance drone, were presented to during the press conference.

“We have a strategic stockpile of ballistic, modified cruise missiles, and all types of reconnaissance and attack drones,” Brigadier Sari said, adding that “this stockpile is enough to continue face the aggression for years to come.”

The spokesman of the armed forces told reporters in a news conference on Tuesday, commenting on scenes broadcasted at the conference, that “Samad-3 has a range of 1500 to 1700 km and was tested in several successful operations targeting Saudi airports. Samad-3 can explode from top to bottom or directly hit the target and contains adequate quantities of explosives. Samad-3 uses advanced technology helping it avoid detection by Saudi radars.

Samad-1, which is reconnaissance, can reach more than 500km and has the ability to monitor targets directly through an operating room.

The President of the Supreme Political Council – Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces President Mahdi Al-Mashat opened on Sunday the exhibition of Martyr Saleh Al-Samad for the Yemeni military industries, which contains models of ballistic missiles and new drones. In the exhibition, the president revealed new Yemeni weapons, namely, Quds 1 missile, Samad 1, Samad 3 and Qasef K2 drones.

Source:Yemeni website