
Germany Rejects US Anti-Iran Maritime Coalition. Will Other EU Member States “Follow Suit”?




Trump regime hardliners are struggling to enlist anti-Iran Operation Sentinel maritime coalition partners.

Britain’s limited Persian Gulf naval presence so far is separate from the Trump regime’s. The size of its fleet is a limiting factor. It’s been declining for years.

“(D)uring roughly the same time period, (Britain’s) navy has lost more than 40 percent of its fleet, that stood at more than 130 ships. Today’s Royal Navy numbers fewer than 80 ships.”

Pentagon warships are deployed worldwide, limiting its capability to mobilize a large strike force in multiple global areas, along with maintaining its other global deployments.

Selva, other Pentagon commanders, and senior US political officials know Iran is “com(ing) after” no one.

The US military presence in the Middle East and elsewhere worldwide poses a major threat to world peace, stability, and security.

Nonbelligerent Iran is threatened by the US military presence near its territorial waters, coastline, and mainland, not the other way around.

France so far hasn’t agreed to join the Trump regime’s Operation Sentinel. According to Germany’s Deutsche Presse-Agentur and other Western media, Angela Merkel’s government declined a White House request to join Pentagon warships in monitoring Hormuz Strait seaborne traffic, a Berlin statement saying:

“Members of the German government have been clear that freedom of navigation should be protected…Our question is, protected by whom” against what threat?

Iran poses none. A German Foreign Ministry statement said Berlin “took note of the (US) proposal, but made no promises,”

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said his government is working with its UK and French counterparts to deescalate Persian Gulf tensions.

In May during a visit to Iraq, nonbelligerent Iran signed a non-aggression pact with Persian Gulf littoral states.

It emphasizes mutual cooperation for regional peace in a part of the world boiling from US aggression. Reportedly Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, and likely Oman welcome the agreement, Tehran still awaiting responses from other regional countries.

Russia prepared its own plan for Persian Gulf Security, its principles polar opposite US belligerent aims.

It calls for for peaceful cooperative security, stressing adherence to international law, Russia’s Foreign Ministry saying:

The initiative includes the following principles:

Mutual cooperation to eliminate regional extremism and terrorism in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere in the region.

Mobilizing and influencing regional public opinion about the threat posed by terrorist groups and need to counter them by collective action.

All nations adhering “to international law, to the UN Charter, and UN Security Council resolutions in the first place. We all aim for a democratic and prosperous Middle East that would encourage inter-faith peace and coexistence.”

Trump regime hardliners strongly oppose Moscow’s initiative, along with any proposal for world peace and stability.

Achieving it undermines its imperial aims, why Russia’s plan won’t get out of the starting gate.

The Pentagon’s Operation Sentinel has nothing to do with protecting commercial or other shipping from an Iranian threat that doesn’t exist.

It may set the stage for a Gulf of Tonkin type false flag, wrongfully blamed on Iran, something more serious than others weeks earlier no evidence suggests Iran had anything to do with.

If US, UK, or other Western casualties occur, it could be a pretext for greater US toughness on Iran, including belligerence against its vessels, provoking the IRGC to respond, risking possible war.

What cool heads in the US, other Western states, and regional ones want avoided could be undermined a staged Trump regime incident, falsely blamed on Iran, setting off a chain reaction with unpredictable consequences.

Source: Websites