
Abdulsalam: Yemeni Rocket Force to Strike UAE Depth Next




The head of the Yemeni negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said that “The UAE deserves to be targeted more than ever, stressing that the implementation of balanced deterrence operations in the depth of the UAE has been authorized and the military will choose the right place and time.”

In a phone interview with Al Jazeera television, on Tuesday afternoon, he explained that the UAE plays in the margin of deception and misinformation of the national forces to be far from retaliation and deterrence, while they continue their aggression, siege, negative presence in the south and call for the disruption of the unity of the nation.

Abdulsalam said that “the UAE continued its siege of Ad-durayhimi and through its mercenaries, preventing the entry of humanitarian aid to civilians trapped for more than a year and a half despite the human rights and humanitarian appeals.”

Abdulsalam noted that the UAE had no credibility after announcing its intention to “withdraw from Yemen” and it was given Sana’a as an opportunity to prove it.” He denied, at the same time, the existence of an understanding with the UAE to neutralize it from any deterrent attacks, but “it was given an opportunity after it announced the beginning of its withdrawal in the media.”

Abdulsalam also called for a Yemeni awakening to expel the UAE occupation from the south of Yemen especially after it became clear to everyone what the UAE is doing and its real intentions.