
Saudi-led coalition’s Daily Update for Wednesday, September 18th, 2019




The Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, and its paid fighers, on Wednesday, continued to launch raids and bomb a number of provinces, causing material damage to public and private property.

In Sa’ada, a civilian was wounded with Saudi border guards’ gunshots in Razih district. The coalition destroyed civilians’ houses in Baqim district with two raids, launching a raid on Kahlan camp.

In Hodeidah, two children were wounded with a shell fired by the coalition’s paid fighters on a house in Attohayta district. The paid fighters targeted several areas of Kilo-16 with medium machineguns.

In Hajjah, the coaliion launched 2 raids on Haradh district.

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

More than 2,200 others have died of cholera, and the crisis has triggered what the United Nations has described as the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

The photo is from the archive

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