
Saudi-Led Coalition’s War Crimes Record for Saturday, February 29th, 2020




The Saudi-led coalition and its mercenaries, on Saturday, continued to bomb a number of provinces, causing material damage to public and private property.

They violated the Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah with a number of attacks, where the violations of the forces of the US-backed coalition in Hodeidah Governorate reached over 150 violations during the past 24 hours.

In Hodeidah, a civilian was injured with US-Saudi artillery shelling on Addurayhimi city. US-Saudi forces targeted civilians’ villages and farms in Attohayta district with more than 20 artillery shells. The coalition also targeted several areas of the 7th-July residential area and 50th St. with heavy and medium arms. The US-Saudi warplanes also conducted an intensive overflight on Addurayhimi.

In Sa’adah, the US-Saudi-led coalition launched 4 raids on Baqim district.

In Al-Jawf, the coalition launched a raid on Al-Motoon, 9 raids on Al-Ghail district and 7 raids on Al-Matmah area.

In Sana’a, the US-backed coalition launched a raid on Arhab district and two raids on Nihm district.

In Marib, the US-backed coalition launched 3 raids on Majzr district.