
Floods in Yemen Leave Behind 28 Civilians Dead in Rimah Province



Today, Sunday, the operations room of the Ministry of Health in the governorate of Rimah confirmed that 28 people died from the latest floods the governorate was exposed during the past few days. Additionally, it reported of the collapse of a number of houses as a result of the torrential floods.

The Governor of Rimah, Faris Al-Habbari, was informed today about the removal of the remnants resulted from the torrents, which caused roads to close, especially the main road linking the Rabat region and the governorate center, Al-Jabain.

The governor pointed out the importance of finding solutions to treat rockslides to limit damage to roads, indicating that the rains left great damage and destroyed protecting walls along the road.

He urged the concerned authorities to expedite the removal of the damage caused by the torrents to all main routes that have caused heavy traffic within the past few days.

Al-Habbari called on the Ministry of Public Works and the Maintenance Fund to provide the necessary capabilities that the governorate requires in order to alleviate these damages.