
Series of Brutal Saudi Airstrikes Target Yemen’s Capital and Other Provinces (Pictures)



Today, Friday, the US-backed Saudi-led coalition of aggression carried out a series of airstrikes on the capital, Sanaa, and the governorates of Sana’a and Amran.

In the capital, Sanaa, the warplanes launched a raid on the Attan area, 7 raids on the Military Academy, and a raid on the Al-Hafa area.

Moreover, in the Sanaa governorate, it launched 3 raids on Iban Mountain in the Bani-Matar district, 4 raids on the Al Sama area in the Arhab district, 3 raids on the Rayma Hamid area, and two raids on the Jarban area in the district of Sanhan.

In Amran province, the Saudi-led warplanes, backed by the US, conducted 7 raids on Aswad Mountain, a raid on the government compound, a raid on the old security building, and a raid near the water pump in the Harf Sufyan district.

A civilian who lost his life in the Saudi attack on Sanaa

The Ministry of Public Health and Population said that the raids of the Saudi aggression launched this morning on the capital, Sanaa, and a number of governorates, caused the death of a citizen and the injury of 4 others.

The Ministry stated that most of the bombing was on densely populated areas such as Attan, Al-Haffa, Iban, and Al-Nahdayn in the capital, Sana’a.

The Ministry of Health held the aggressive Saudi Coalition fully responsible for the consequences of these criminal operations that will affect civilians, whether causing immediate or future health problems for citizens.

Also, a number of purebred Arabian horses died in the aerial Saudi bombing that targeted the stalls of the horses in the Military Academy within the capital, Sana’a.

It is noteworthy that the Saudi-American aggression has targeted the horse stables in the Military Academy more than once in previous times, the most recent of which was the bombing of the stables on March 30th with six raids, which led to the death of one horse trainer, wounding two others, and the death of 70 pure Arab horses, in addition to the injury of 30 Arab horses.

In this regard, the head of the national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abd al-Salam, said that there is nothing new in bombing Sanaa and the rest of the Yemeni governorates except to emphasize the importance of continuing retaliation and deterrence until the aggression stops and the siege ends.

A video of the Saudi Crime that targeted the horses in their stables