
Foreign Ministry condemns the assassination of the Iranian scientist Zadeh



Foreign Minister, Eng. Hisham Sharaf expressed his warmest condolences for the martyrdom of the professor of nuclear physics at the University of Tehran, Dr. Mohsen Fakhri Zadeh, who was assassinated today by the forces of aggression in a terrorist operation planned by the forces of the Axis of Evil, on top of which is the Zionist entity, which fears the development of Iran’s scientific and defense capabilities.

Minister Sharaf confirmed in the condolence telegram sent to the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Muhammad Javad Zarif, Yemen’s condemnation of this heinous criminal act.

He noted that the terrorist escalation aims to limit the development of Iran’s scientific capabilities and defense industry, and it shows the depth of fear inside the enemies of the Iranian people, but it will not stop Iran’s progress in various fields.