
Catastrophic Numbers of the Victims and Losses Resulted From the US-Saudi Aggression in Yemen



The first report that views the crimes and violations committed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition of aggression since the beginning of its brutal military campaign in Yemen on March 2015, until last June, revealed catastrophic numbers of civilian casualties, material damage, and destruction of infrastructure and service facilities in Yemen.

The head of the national team in charge of dealing with the international and regional team of experts, Abd al-Ilah Hajar, said in a press conference held today, Wednesday, in the capital, Sana’a, that what has been announced in the first report are the most prominent crimes and violations committed by the Saudi-led aggression.

The report of national experts confirmed that preliminary statistics indicate that about 16,802 civilians, including 3,753 children, 2,361 women, and 10,688 men, were killed.

With regard to the coalition’s targeting of the education sector, the experts’ report indicated that the Saudi aggression had damaged 3,553 public and private educational facilities, as well as destroying 402 schools.

As for the health field, the aggressive Saudi-led coalition destroyed 483 hospitals, facilities, which range from total to partial destruction. Therefore, it led to 60% of the hospitals to stop functioning.

Moreover, the report indicated that the aggression on Yemen and siege had led to the failure of transporting 362 items of medicine, including 12 for incurable diseases, as well as the closure of 7 dialysis centers out of a total of 28 centers, and the lack of more than 19 types of medical supplies.

The aggression and blockade also caused the inability of 320 thousand patients to receive treatment abroad due to the closure of Sana’a International Airport.

With regard to infrastructure and service facilities in Yemen, the report of the national experts revealed that a number of 14 sea and land ports were directly hit by US-Saudi bombardment, and destroyed about 4,976 km of roads and 101 bridges.

The aggression forces completely and partially destroyed more than 472 fuel and gas stations and burned and destroyed more than 291 oil and gas tanks.

The losses of the electricity sector, due to the aggression, were estimated at billions of dollars.

The report also pointed out that judiciary and security are in the list of the places that were subjected to Saudi bombing, stating the number of airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led jets that targeted various security installations reached 1748, 477 of which were completely destroyed, and 178 security personnel were killed and 139 others severely injured.

The aggression also completely or partially destroyed 41 courts and judicial complexes.

The report of the national experts clarified that the aggressors destroyed more than 47 media institutions, in addition to the destruction and damage of more than 28 radio and television transmission centers.

Additionally, more than 131 sports facilities were subjected to direct bombing by the warplanes of the aggressors, which caused total or partial destruction.

The Saudi-led aggressive coalition deliberately attacked and destroyed a number of mosques, archaeological sites, and cultural and tourist structures, as the Saudi aggression bombed more than 1,324 mosques and destroyed 417 archaeological sites and historical monuments.

The report of the national experts confirmed that the aggressive coalition, backed by the US, has used from the beginning of its aggressive military campaign, against the Yemeni people, forbidden weapons such as (cluster bombs, acoustic bombs, vacuum bombs, phosphorous bombs, etc.)

The deteriorating economic conditions as a result of the Saudi aggressive coalition and its imposed blockade:

The report of national experts stated that Yemen is experiencing deteriorating economic and humanitarian conditions as a result of the aggression and blockade on Yemen, stressing that the population rate below the poverty line rose to 85% in the year 2019, while the unemployment rate exceeded 65% due to the Saudi-led aggression and blockade.

The report indicated that as a result of the aggression and the blockade, 20 million Yemeni citizens suffer from food insecurity, while 8 million of them suffer from acute food insecurity.

He pointed out that the aggression and the siege caused the salaries of the employees, who represent 35% of the total population of the Republic of Yemen, to cease.