
The Opening of Arms Exhibition Highlights Yemen’s Latest Innovations (Photos)



The Armed Forces held on Thursday its exhibition of military industries.

President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat opened the Military Industries exhibition.

After the opening ceremony, President al-Mashat listened from the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff, and the army’s spokesman, to a detailed explanation of the new weapons invented by Yemeni officers.

The combat army’s senior officials the tactical, effective and operational characteristics of weapons that are manufactured and produced %100 locally.

They explained that the efficiency and effectiveness of the new weapons have been proven in the field.

The exhibition unveiled new ballistic, winged missiles and drone aircraft, as well as marine mines, which are all made locally.

The unveiled new missiles included ballistic missiles called Saeer, Qasim 2, and the winged missile Quds 2.

The armed forces uncovered new drones like Wa’aed, Sammad 4, Shihab, Khatif, Merssad, Rajoom, and Naba.

They also uncovered new locally made marine mines and named them Karar 1, Karar 2, Asef 4, Shawadh, Thaqeb, Owais, Mujahid, and al-Nazia’at.

The Missile Section

The Drones Section

The Artillery Section


Naval mines