
Minister of Justice stresses that UN must respect the independence of Yemeni judiciary



The minister of justice, Judge Nabil Al-Azzani, called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to respect the independence of the Yemeni judiciary.

“The United Nations along with its Secretary-General should support the prosecution and punishment of criminals,” Al-Azzani explained.

The Justice Minister said that Guterres’ statements about the implementation of the retribution against those involved with the aggression countries to assassinate President Saleh al-Sammad and six of his companions are unacceptable and contradict the principles and charters of the United Nations and reveal the lack of credibility and impartiality of the organization.

Judge al-Azzani added the investigation and trial procedures in the assassination case have lasted for four years and took place in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and the applicable national laws.

He said that the Yemeni judiciary operates according to legal rules that are consistent and compatible with the international covenants, the United Nations Charter of Human Rights, the international humanitarian law.

Minister al-Azzani affirmed that the parties that support the crimes against the Yemeni people are considered partners in the crimes.