
Journalist: Crater District In Aden Is In A State Of War


A journalist from Aden, said the Crater region is in a state of war.

“I have just came back from a tour in Crater city , shops, restaurants and vegetable rugs closed, and long queues of people in front of bakeries ,” Majid al-Da’eiri, Editor-in-chief of Observers Press tweeted on Sunday.

He explained that the military and armoured vehicles are deployed in neighborhoods and markets, adding “everything indicates that the city fears the worst.”

He noted that the effects of the clashes and destruction are clearly seen on the ground.

On Saturday, the Crater region witnessed violent clashes between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s factions, during which they used various types of heavy and medium weapons .

The clashes left six citizens dead and 61 injured, including women and children, in addition to causing significant damage to citizens’ homes and property.