
Human Rights Ministry Denounces Human Rights Council Abandonment on Its Duties in Yemen


Ministry of Human Rights denounced the Human Rights Council’s abandonment of its humanitarian duties towards the Yemeni people.

The Ministry indicated in a statement on Wednesday that it followed with interest the course of the meeting of the Human Rights Council in its 48th session, which completely neglected the war crimes against humanity committed by the US-Sadi aggression in Yemen.

The statement stressed that the council did not move seriously towards forming an independent international investigation committee into all violations and crimes committed against the Yemeni people since March 2015 until today.

It pointed out that many of the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and its bodies and agencies working in the field of monitoring and documenting human rights crimes and violations showed a large number of such crimes and violations, however, many crimes against Yemenis were ignored.

In its statement, the Ministry pointed out that among the most prominent of these crimes and violations is the targeting of children in many areas and the targeting of population centers, such as funerals, wedding halls, farms, warehouses, tankers, food factories, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, health centers, communication networks, electricity and others.

The Ministry of Human Rights announced that the Human Rights Council has abandoned its legal, humanitarian and moral responsibilities towards Yemen since the beginning of the aggression and siege until today. It emphasized that the Human Rights Council has missed an important, historical and humanitarian opportunity in addressing the most heinous crimes committed against humanity throughout history.

The Ministry held the United Nations fully legally responsible for its continuous coverage of the crimes of the coalition and its failure – six and a half years ago – to take the necessary measures to put an end to the Saudi-led coalition’s ridicule of the council’s status and value as a UN body.

It also condemned the negligent actions of the UN Group of Experts formed by the council, the Group’s failure to assume its full responsibilities and often yielding to the pressures of the countries of coalition on the Yemeni people.