
Tawoos: WFP’s Decision To Reduce Aid Portends A Serious Humanitarian Catastrophe



The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Cooperation, Abdulmohsen Tawoos, on Saturday considered the World Food Program (WFP)’s decision to reduce aid to the Yemeni people a dangerous sign that portends a humanitarian catastrophe and famine.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Tawoos noted that the program’s decision comes as an extension of previous reductions adopted by the program in the areas under the authority of the Supreme Political Council and the National Salvation Government, despite the facilities provided by the Council to humanitarian organizations.

“We were surprised by the decision to reduce the distribution of aid from monthly to every two months, and some provinces to every three months, such as Bayda and Hodeida provinces,” Tawoos said, expressing his surprise at the decision to reduce aid that is already reduced.

Tawoos indicated that the council addressed the program and issued a statement in which it indicated that this reduction is not in line with the principles of humanitarian action.

The Secretary-General of the Council urged WFP to adhere to neutrality in humanitarian work, pointing out that the decision to reduce aid is coinciding with the escalation of the US-Saudi aggression coalition in its war on Yemen by using the humanitarian card.