
UN special envoy to Yemen departs Sanaa; gives remarks of his visit at the airport



The United Nation’s special envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, noted that discussions are being undertaken to open Sana’a International Airport and operate the first commercial flight.

The UN envoy said in a press conference upon his departure from Sana’a on Wednesday, “There is a welcome from all concerned parties to open Sana’a International Airport, and we did not face any obstacles in this aspect.”

Grundberg described his visit to the capital, Sana’a and his discussions with officials in Sana’a as “constructive” and “positive”.

“We have seen the importance of the much-needed entry of fuel ships to the ports of Hodeida and preparations are being made for a meeting to agree on opening roads in Taiz province and other provinces,” he pointed out.

Grundberg added that he is hoping for the entry of oil vessels, saying that it could contribute to ending the fuel crisis, stressing the need for more fuel ships to continue entering Hodeida port steadily during the truce period.

The UN envoy indicated that the truce is holding in general so far, stressing the importance of the parties’ commitment to the truce.

He said, “We must pay attention to the challenges, as we rely on the parties’ continued commitment and serious engagement in order to implement and maintain the truce so that the parties engage in dialogue with each other in good faith.”

He added, “The parties should also use the mechanisms that are facilitated by the United Nations and that we have provided to support them in this regard.”

He stressed that the truce came to serve Yemenis in the first place, and provide an opportunity to create an environment conducive to a political process aimed at ending the conflict and implementing sustainable measures to improve the humanitarian and economic situation and end violence.

The UN envoy to Yemen affirmed the continuation of work around the clock to support the parties in order to fulfill their duties to abide by, maintain and strengthen the truce.

He pointed to the need to engage constructively in order to reach a comprehensive solution to the conflict.

He said: “The region and the world are closely monitoring the situation and are ready to provide support.”

He also stressed that the armistice is an opportunity to end the conflict and reach the peace that meets the legitimate aspirations of Yemenis, and the responsibility is shared to achieve what the Yemeni people aspire to.

The UN envoy stated that during the three-day visit, the mechanisms for implementing the truce with all its components and ways to build on it were discussed as a step towards a comprehensive political solution to the conflict.

He said, “Since the truce entered into force on the second of April, and despite frequent and alarming reports of violations, we have seen a significant general decrease in hostilities, and there are no confirmed reports of airstrikes or cross-border attacks.”