
Aggression Mercenaries In Marib Kidnapped 3 Displaced Families From Al-Juba


A human rights official in Marib province revealed that the US-Saudi aggression mercenaries had kidnapped 3 displaced families from the Abu Saad family from al-Jouba district.

The Islah Party militia raided a camp for the displaced in Wadi Ubaidah about 2 months ago and arrested Hussein Ahmed Aylouk Abu Saad and his sons, Ali Abdullah Saleh Abu Saad, his daughter and his nephew Muhammad Saleh Abu Saad.

The official pointed out that the Islah militia hid the detainees from their families and prevented their visits, as they were subjected to psychological and physical torture, and their fate is still unknown until this moment.

He stated that the mercenary militia refuses to refer the file of the kidnapped to the prosecution and the judiciary, after it was accused of communicating with the Salafi leader Abdul Razzaq Al-Baqama before his assassination.

The official called on human rights and humanitarian organizations to take urgent action and put pressure on Al-Islah militia loyal to the aggression to reveal the fate of the kidnapped and allow their families to visit them and release them.