
Al-hudhud Center reveals A report of Smuggling Yemeni Antiquities to international auctions


Al-hudhud Center for Archaeological Studies revealed a report documenting the theft of Yemeni antiquities and their sale in international auctions.

Al-hudhud Center stated that more than 4,265 smuggled artifacts were sold in 6 countries, namely America through 5 auctions, Britain 4 auctions, France 3 auctions, two auctions in the Zionist entity and an auction for Germany and the Netherlands.

The center added that the number of pieces sold and displayed during the period of aggression amounted to 2,610 pieces, America in first place 2167 artifacts, then the Netherlands and in third place the Zionist entity 501 artifacts.

The center indicated that the number of artifacts sold during the aggression period amounted to 2,523 pieces, with an estimated value of $12 million, pointing out that among the pieces monitored by the report were pieces whose price amounted to more than $800,000, such as a manuscript dating back to the fifteenth century AD.

The Al-hudhud Center confirmed that the preliminary statistics of the artifact models included 7 international museums, which included 1,384 artifacts.