
Army and Popular Committees Repelled Islah Attacks In Ma’rib


Violent clashes erupted between the army and popular committees forces and Islah Party formations in Ma’rib Governorate, northeastern Yemen.

Sources said that the “Islah” forces attacked, with artillery cover, positions of the army and popular committees forces in Al-Aarif and Al-Balq Al-Sharqi in the Al-Wadi district, south of Ma’rib, on the outskirts of the city’s entrance, in an attempt to control strategic sites in the grip of the army and popular committees .

The sources confirmed that the army and popular committees forces were able to repel the attack and inflict heavy losses on the attackers of the “Islah” forces.

The failed attack attempt is the largest for “Islah” since the United Nations armistice took effect, which ended in early October.