
Two Citizens Killed, Another Injured By Explosive Remnants Of Aggression


Two citizens were killed, and another was injured, on Friday, in Sana’a, Hodeidah and Marib governorates, as a result of the US-Saudi aggression’s remnants of explosions.

The Executive Center for Dealing with Mine and Remnants of War, in a statement on Friday indicated that the number of victims of the aggression’s remnants has increased in Yemen’s governorates and regions as a result of the widespread pollution with these remnants.

The center expressed its reproach to the United Nations that did not bring in the detectors, pointing out that a year had passed since the center was notified by the UN that it was working to obtain approval from the coalition of aggression against Yemen to allow entry of the mine detectors.

Earlier, an elderly man and a child were injured on Tuesday when two objects left over from the US-Saudi aggression exploded in the governorates of Bayda and Hodeidah.