
Sana’a Confirms: Restrictions on Sana’a Airport Are No Longer Acceptable


The US-Saudi aggression continues to impose a siege on Sana’a Airport. Increasing flights within the limited destination is just a small gesture that reflects the lack of trust in an enemy that does not respect agreements during the period of de-escalation.

Transport Minister Brigadier General Abdulwahab Al-Durra stated to Al-Masirah on Sunday that approval has been given for two destinations and specific flights from Sana’a International Airport at the beginning of the de-escalation period to build trust, adding that “it is time to open Sana’a Airport without restrictions.”

Minister Al-Durra stressed that the restrictions on Sana’a Airport are no longer acceptable, stressing the right of the Yemeni traveler to reach their destination without having to travel between airports and bear additional costs.

He pointed out that within one hour, all seats on the three additional flights to Amman were booked, indicating the level of need and the severity of the siege.

On his part, Deputy Minister of Public Health Dr. Mutahar Al-Marouni explained that a large part of the suffering in the health sector is related to the closure of Sana’a Airport as it is a vital passage for patients and for life-saving medications to enter.

Dr. Al-Marouni highlighted the loss of lives due to the unavailability of affordable life-saving medications that are difficult to deliver due to the closure of Sana’a Airport.

The US-Saudi aggression imposes a suffocating blockade on Yemen and closes ports and airports to increase the suffering of the Yemeni People and create deteriorating living and economic conditions. It is trying to barter the humanitarian aspect to obtain political and military gains at the expense of the Yemeni People.

The blockade has caused tremendous suffering for millions of Yemenis who are largely dependent on imports of food, fuel and medicines. It is one of the main reasons for the large-scale humanitarian crisis in the country that has pushed millions of Yemenis toward starvation and death due to lack of medical supplies, prompting the UN to call it the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

On 9 August 2016, the Saudi-led coalition imposed restrictions on Yemen’s airspace resulting in the closure of Sana’a Airport to commercial flights, trapping millions of Yemenis in a war zone and preventing the free movement of humanitarian and commercial goods from entering through this route. As a result, thousands of Yemenis with long-term health conditions such as cancer, kidney, liver and blood conditions have died while waiting for treatment unavailable in Yemen.

The closure of the airport has also led to an almost complete halt to commercial cargo such as medicine, medical supplies and equipment coming into the country. Coupled with restrictions on Hodeidah port, this has caused prices of some medicine to double, making it unaffordable for most of the population and further contributing to the decline of Yemen’s health system, already decimated by the aggression.

With the beginning of the truce last year, the aggression tried to evade its commitment to open Sana’a airport and make flights only to one destination, Jordan, and for a very limited number.

Sana’a confirmed more than once that the continued closure of Sana’a airport proves the lack of seriousness of theUS-Saudi aggression to bring peace to Yemen.