
Human Rights Ministry Calls On World Populations To Pressure For An End To Zionist Nnemy’s Crimes In Gaza


The Ministry of Human Rights in the caretaker government has called on the world’s populations to break their silence and escalate their support for the Palestinian people. They are urged to work towards stopping the acts of aggression by the Zionist American enemy and exert pressure on governments to impose economic and political sanctions on the Zionist entity.

In a statement, the Ministry called on people to pursue the perpetrators of war crimes against the Palestinian people through available legal mechanisms. Also to urge the International Criminal Court and other authorities not to shirk their responsibilities and to ensure that this brutal entity does not escape punishment.

The statement emphasized the importance of international pressure on the International Criminal Court to promptly take action on the crimes of genocide and summon the Zionist war criminals and their accomplices.

It also called for urgent action by international non-governmental organizations and international justice mechanisms to pressure the Zionist entity, the United States, and Western countries to halt the war and massacres. Immediate action is needed regarding Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, along with the necessary efforts to lift the blockade on Gaza.

The statement underscored the importance of openly supporting the right of resistance and Palestinian factions against the barbaric and occupying killing machine. This support is based on universal norms and humanitarian regulations that endorse the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and legitimate self-defense in accordance with the United Nations Charter and resolutions.

The statement emphasized that civilian protection in the Gaza Strip cannot be ensured without halting the war and addressing restrictions on freedom of expression and solidarity with Palestine in some countries. A collective stance is required to halt the genocide faced by civilians in the Gaza Strip since October 7th of the past year.