
Deputy FM: US veto against decision to stop war on Gaza showed America first enemy of peace


Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Ezzi confirmed that the US veto in the Security Council against Algeria’s resolution demanding an end to the Zionist aggression on Gaza presented America as the first enemy of peace.

Al-Ezzi said, in a press conference held today at the Foreign Ministry building in Sana’a, “America’s veto use against the decision to stop the war in Gaza shows America for what it is, presents it as the first enemy of peace and security and the enemy of humanity, and clearly shows its hostility to Islam and Muslims.”

He added: “The failure of the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution to stop the war in Gaza confirms that this international organization is a failure that cannot and cannot achieve justice, and this calls for broad reforms in it.”

He said: “There is a tendency for the government and parliament to suspend Yemen’s membership in this organization, and we call on all Arab countries to do this because these international frameworks are failing.”

He pointed out that the American position represents a disregard for Palestinian blood and a direct insult to 57 Arab and Islamic countries.

The Deputy Foreign Minister called on all Arab and Islamic countries to take strong positions, carry out their responsibilities and duties towards the Palestinian people, and support any efforts to reform international organizations, which have become a cover for these crimes.

He said: “We appeal to you for the sake of Palestine and the children of Palestine to take strong positions and rise to the level of the event, and it is illogical for America to reach this level of disdain, without feeling that its interests in the Arab and Islamic nation are safe.”

He stressed that silence on all those crimes committed by the Zionist entity in the Gaza Strip with American support is no longer acceptable.

“These heinous crimes and massacres offend the human conscience,” he said.

He pointed out that the American position has become clear and has wide implications and confirms what we have always said.

He said: It is very important to review the thought put forward by the martyr leader Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi about America.

With regard to developments on the Red Sea, the Deputy Foreign Minister reiterated that navigation in the Arab and Red Sea is safe for all countries except America, Britain and the Zionist enemy.

Thousands of ships pass through the Red Sea and the Arabian Seas safely, he said.

He stressed that Sanaa is the safety valve of maritime navigation, and the mistake of those who think that it is able to secure navigation without Sanaa, and said, “The security of navigation without Sanaa zero.”

He pointed out that America practices lies about maritime navigation to intimidate others and militarize the Red Sea, noting that there are shipping companies that have unfortunately been affected by American propaganda and its broken cylinder.

He pointed out that there are constructive talks between Sanaa and the European Union, during which we confirmed that maritime navigation is safe, and joint coordination operations were agreed to facilitate the passage of ships belonging to the Union countries.

He pointed out that they were informed that navigation is safe for everyone except America, Britain, the Zionist entity and any ships heading to Israeli ports.

He stressed that “any country that will take the same path as America and Britain will not be able to protect its ships, and no country can solve its problems with us by force, and it will fail as America and Britain failed to protect its ships.”

He pointed to the speech of Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr al-Houthi, and his assertion that navigation is safe for all ships except American, British and Israeli ships.

He stated that President Al-Mashat formed a humanitarian center to coordinate the safe transit in the Red Sea, and coordination is continuing with everyone and through this center.

Regarding the classification decision, Al-Ezzi stressed that it is an indicator of victory for us and our humanity in standing with Palestine.

“Before the decision was issued, we were made mouth-watering offers through mediators, and we entered into talks mediated by many countries, including Norway, and we were offered large offers to compromise on our position, but we rejected them, and if we accepted their offers, it would have been a stab in the back of Palestine,” he said.

He added, “Our position is clear, and we consider that politics is the balance between principles and interests, not the primacy of interest over principle, and our persistence on the position is a victory for the will of the strong Yemeni people, who go out to the squares in support of the Palestinian people and confirmation of their stand with them and their readiness to provide everything for Palestine, and considers Palestine their first cause.”

“This position taken by Sanaa is humanitarian par excellence imposed by our Yemenis, Islam, Arabism and humanity towards the massacres and genocide against the Palestinian people, and it is a temporary measure to stop these massacres and crimes,” the deputy foreign minister said.

With regard to coordination with countries bordering the Red Sea, Al-Ezzi stressed that there is coordination and communication with these countries to ensure the security of navigation.

He also stressed that Sanaa has imposed a new equation that whoever harms Yemen will hurt him.

The Deputy Foreign Minister pointed out that this press conference comes out of the keenness to inform public opinion of the latest developments and keep abreast of events and discuss them, considering the media an essential and effective partner in enlightening public opinion and communicating facts.

The press conference was attended by a number of heads of departments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of local, Arab and foreign media.

resource : Saba