
Leader of Yemeni Revolution Speaks on National Resilience Day


The leader of the Yemeni revolution Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, has affirmed that “National Resilience Day” is an important occasion for the Yemeni people, emphasizing that nine years have passed since the beginning of the aggression against the Yemeni people, and steadfastness is the title of the righteous position of our people.

This came during his speech on the occasion of the “National Resilience Day” on Monday night.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik confirmed that many of our people moved to confront the aggression with sincerity, dedication, steadfastness, and bravery, and behind them were their families who remained patient.

“Thousands of martyrs, wounded, and prisoners wrote heroics and epics of sacrifice and redemption that will remain in history, and a school for generations. At the forefront of the embodiment of steadfastness are those who are on all battlefronts with constant attention and patience to prevent any enemy penetration or advance,” Sayyid Abdul-Malik said.

“General cohesion was the most prominent symbol of the state of our society, especially with the oppressive and suffocating siege.”

Sayyid Abdul-Malik underlined that “the aggression against our country, from its first moment, was treacherous, without precedent, without justification, without premise and brutal, criminal, and with dangerous goals.

He added, “The aggression against our country was under American supervision and within the framework of an American-“Israeli”-British plan by the coalition. The aggression against our country came within the framework of a comprehensive plan in the region to rearrange its situation under the leadership of the “Israeli” enemy, and eliminate the Palestinian cause.”

The aggression coalition sought from the beginning to destroy our country, occupy it, and confiscate our people’s right to freedom and independence, Sayyed Abdul-Malik stressed.

The Aggression on Yemen and the Extent of the Destruction

From the first raids, the aggression coalition targeted civilians and committed crimes, and the targeting included all aspects of life. The aggression coalition targeted the Yemeni people with siege and starvation, and conspiracies against the national currency, the bank, and other things, Sayyid Abdul-Malik explained.

The number of airstrikes that were counted reached 274,302 bombs and missiles on the Yemeni people, and this is not a complete count.

According to statistics, 613,992 homes were destroyed, and more than half a million homes, a very large number of homes were destroyed.

The Saudi-led aggression destroyed 186 university facilities, many of which were completely destroyed.

The aggression coalition destroyed 1,843 mosques, a large number despite the sanctity of the houses of Allah.

The aggression destroyed 427 hospitals and health facilities despite the limited health services in our country, and health staff and patients were also killed.

The aggression destroyed 1,331 schools and educational centers, 146 sports facilities, and 269 archaeological sites.

Aggression coalition raids destroyed 63 media facilities.

At the level of agricultural fields, the aggression coalition destroyed more than 12,775 agricultural fields.

15 airports were targeted, even though the infrastructure was weak in our country, and yet Sanaa Airport continued to be subjected to raids.

The enemy targeted 354 electrical stations and generators, and also targeted 7,940 roads and bridges, killing large numbers of citizens.

647 networks and communication stations, and 3,332 tanks and water networks were targeted, which clearly demonstrates the aggression coalition’s aggression and its evil goals.

The aggression targeted 2,155 government facilities, which are intended to benefit the country.

417 factories, 397 fuel tankers, 12,534 commercial establishments, and 484 chicken and livestock farms were targeted.

More than 10,000 means of transportation, more than 1,000 food trucks, and 712 markets were targeted, committing mass massacres.

493 fishing boats were targeted, and the fishermen were among those who suffered the most from the aggression coalition, and some of them were martyred at sea.

1,043 food stores were targeted in the context of harassing and starving the Yemeni people, and targeting their economy and food, and 434 gas stations.

The aggression against our country resulted in the martyrdom and injury of more than 50,000 civilians, most of whom were children and women who were not martyrs in the battlefield.

The siege and starvation are a parallel aggression, in addition to the military aggression, that resulted in very great suffering. A comprehensive blockade was imposed on the Yemeni people by closing airports and preventing people from traveling.

Cohesion at the level of the official side, the popular side, and the internal front was honorable and an important factor in the failure of the aggression coalition.

Our people are still suffering greatly due to the aggression and siege on our country. Despite the scale of aggression, crimes, and total destruction, it did not break the will of the people, which is a great blessing and divine success.

The coalition of aggression took control of our country’s sovereign wealth, oil, and gas, many ports, and a vast stretch of coastline. It became clear that the aggression’s inevitable failure to achieve its goals of complete occupation of our country and total control over our people.

Losses of Saudi-led aggression and Operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces

Sayyid Abdul-Malik indicated that the number of killed and wounded from all formations of the coalition of aggression and mercenaries reached 282,879. The enemies’ losses in vehicles and equipment amounted to 18,397.

He added, “The Yemeni air defense operations reached 4,585, during which 165 war and reconnaissance planes were shot down. Naval and coastal defense operations amounted to 38, which were very significant in deterring the enemy. Among the most prominent naval operations were the targeting of the Madinah frigate and the Swift warship, and the capture of the “Rawabi” ship.”

“Missile operations reached 1,828, of which 1,237 were military and combat operations, and 589 operations were beyond the borders. Drone air force operations amounted to 12,009 offensive and reconnaissance missions.”

“Most drone air force operations were within the scope of defensive and offensive combat missions, including 997 operations beyond the borders. Support operations for the ground forces amounted to 211,136 sniper, artillery targeting, anti-armor, and engineering operations.”

Yemen’s Military Industry

From the beginning, the enemies were keen to deprive our country of acquiring weapons for self-defense, while the enemies possessed all types of weapons, including those internationally banned, Sayyid Abdul-Malik said, affirming that the journey in manufacturing weapons, from missiles to various other military capabilities, began from zero and from very simple stages. With the grace and success of God, the path in all types of weapons and capabilities in various fields has evolved.

He continued: “Developing military capabilities was a successful upward trajectory despite the siege and very difficult economic conditions. The enemy tried to exert significant pressure on our dear people economically through the siege and deprivation of revenues from its oil and gas wealth. Our people have continued their resilience and steadfastness and have never surrendered or weakened.”

“Developing military capabilities has been and remains an important and fundamental requirement for achieving victory, repelling aggression, and recovering what the coalition of aggression has occupied. Our dear people are at the forefront of nations in terms of concern and interest in the national security of the Arab nation and the security of our entire Islamic nation.”

Yemen and Peace in the Region

Sayyid Abdul-Malik called on the other countries to reassess their misguided calculations and aggressive policies towards Yemen.

“All Arab countries and the Islamic world to see the Yemeni people as a people embodying true brotherhood and being a support for the entire nation,” he said.

“Our enemy is the enemy of the entire nation, and the “Israeli” enemy poses a real danger to all Muslims, especially the Arabs. The normalization project was intended to leapfrog over “Israeli” aggression to stir wars and seditions within our nation,” he elaborated.

He added, “It is a major disaster and a clear loss for the nation that some Arab countries employ their resources and capabilities to serve American and “Israeli” schemes. Unfortunately, the American continues in the policy of involving some Arab regimes in hostile internal directions and stirring up seditions and conflicts within the nation.”

“The Saudi and Emirati should move from the phase of de-escalation to the peace entitlements if they truly want peace. The peace entitlements are a complete end to the siege, aggression, occupation, prisoner exchange, and compensation for damages.”

He advised everyone to liberate themselves from blind dependency on America, hoping to reach a fair and just solution that leads to the implementation of peace entitlements.

The Takfiris and the Zionist Aggression on Gaza.

The leader of the Yemeni revolution stated that “the Takfiris were exposed during the “Israeli” aggression on Gaza, and they show no serious stance, even at the level of issuing fatwas.”

“The aggression on our country is an aggression under American, British, and “Israeli” supervision and planning within a scheme targeting the region in general. The general goal behind targeting our nation is to liquidate the Palestinian cause and to have the “Israeli” lead the region.”

According to Sayyed Abdul-Malik, for the “Israeli” enemy, normalization is a means to cement and enhance its control and influence to extend to the entire Arab homeland and the Arab world.

Yemen faces the evil trio of America, Israel, and Britain

“We are now in a clear and direct confrontation between us and the axis of evil: America, “Israel”, and Britain. Our country has, with the grace and success of Allah, taken an honorable stance alongside the Palestinian people and fully supported them,” Sayyid Abdul-malik said.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik added, “Our military operations continue, as well as various levels of widespread popular movement and activities in all fields. Our media is directed with all its energy and capabilities to support the Palestinian people.”

“Our stance is clear towards the American, “Israeli”, and British,” he emphasized.

The leader of the Yemeni revolution concluded his speech by saying: “In the tenth year, we are coming with advanced military capabilities to protect our people and support the oppressed Palestinian people and to confront the conspiracies of the enemies.”

He expressed his thanks and appreciation to all those who have stood with Yemen throughout these years, foremost the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah. “We thank our brothers in Iraq and all the free people around the world from our nation who have stood and shown solidarity with our people in their oppression and plight.”