
Sayyid Abdul-Malik announces formation of new government as part of reforms


Leader of the Revolution Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi announced the set date for forming the new government as part of the fundamental changes and necessary reforms to establish state institutions.

“At the beginning of this year, as part of our responsibilities, we are working on forming the government and launching the process to reform the judiciary,” Sayyid Abdul-Malik said in a televised speech on Sunday.

“After the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday, some changes occurred, including Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, so we prioritized focusing on that in the battle of the Promised Victory and the Holy Jihad,” he added.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik clarified that continuous preparations are underway for the governmental change, noting that the processes have taken a long time. He announced that many details will be discussed when the government is announced during the months of Muharram and Safar.

The Leader explained that the formation of the government was delayed because the process requires continuous work and follow-up, including efforts to cleanse state institutions. He pointed out that the situation in the ministries and various official bodies is riddled with elements that work to thwart, obstruct, and corrupt affairs.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik confirmed that the necessary reforms in the judiciary have been initiated, and efforts are underway to complete the reform of other state sectors. He emphasized the need for popular cooperation and understanding of the requirements of the correction and change process, as they are working under complex circumstances.

In late December, Sayyid Abdul-Malik announced the first phase of profound change, which involves reshaping the government with a competent administration that embodies national partnership. In this phase, policies and working methods would be corrected to serve the people.

He emphasized the commitment to national partnership, the Islamic concept of consultation (Shura), the unity of the Yemeni people, and the general concept of responsibility, where roles are integrated. He clarified that proper nation-building requires a solid foundation that unites Yemenis and does not fall into regionalism, partisanship, or racism.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik also pointed out that within the first phase of profound change, efforts will be made to rectify the judiciary and address imbalances, while providing it with qualified personnel from Islamic Sharia scholars and specialized academics