
Revolution Leader: response to Zionist enemy is coming and the decision is decisive and there is no going back


The Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed that the response to the Zionist enemy is a strategic decision and an actual necessity to deter the criminal, mean, and daring enemy from committing crimes, pointing out that whatever efforts to contain the response, they failed, and the decision is inevitable from all fronts of support.

In a speech Thursday afternoon on the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional developments, the leader said, “The decision to respond from the axis of Quds, jihad and resistance to the crimes of the enemy is inevitable, and the decision is decisive and will never be reversed, and it is a faith, humanitarian and moral obligation.”

He considered the response to the Zionist enemy, a sincere commitment from honest people tried in their sincerity in word and deed, which is a practical necessity to deter the enemy, indicating that the Americans are making every effort to contain the response with political steps, including talking about dialogue and negotiations and warning against influencing them.

He explained that Hamas dealt wisely with this political track and met it with a wise step that exposed the American and his military movements, stressing that the American masses of naval vessels and bringing planes to American bases in Arabic countries cannot cancel the decision to respond.

The Leader of the Revolution also stressed that the issue of delaying the response is in a practical context so that the response is painful for the enemy, and in contrast to the American state of alarm to hinder it and reduce its impact, adding, “The delay has a practical impact on the enemy and has never been at such a stage of fear as the cancellation of flights and the anxiety of the settlers.”

“Everyone in the enemy entity is in a state of panic and fear, and their media is talking about it, and their reality is witnessing and the repercussions are present and happening, and despite the skeptical media pumping by the enemies, the response is definitely coming, and certainly no one should pay attention to that,” he said.

He renewed the call for the Yemeni people to go out on Friday in the capital and the provinces in an honorable exit jihad for the sake of Allah and support for the Palestinian people.

“Our people have a sense of humanity on the day that most of the sons of the nation were deaf, so they do not hear the Palestinian people’s distress and pain, and the day that most of the sons of the nation were blinded, we see our people go out in the squares, including 3 generations, attending the grandfather, son, and grandson,” he said.

He pointed out that the scenes in the squares are influential, and the impact of faith, humanity, and innate magnanimity of the Yemeni people blended, and whoever contemplates the scenes in the squares is affected and relaxed a lot, how chivalrous and constant this people is on its values, a people who own life in every sense of the word.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed that the squares will not be empty, with Allah’s permission, as long as the aggression against the Palestinian people continues, especially since the enemy is keen to measure through the squares the reality of the Islamic nation in all its peoples.

“Over the week, terrible crimes and storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque occur, then the enemies reside, how is the reaction of the peoples of the nation? and in the face of murders and starvation, the enemies are watching whether some are still jealous of the sons of the nation alive feelings, or that the people have been deformed,” he said.

He added, “Our people show their reaction to the crimes and violations of the enemies every week and confirm that they are still alive feelings and feel responsible and move everything they can, and there is no hesitation among our dear people in anything they can support Palestine, not political calculations or any considerations.”

He pointed out that the Yemeni people do not care about enemies and are not afraid of America, which most of the sons of the nation feared, and leaders, leaders, governments, elites, and religious scholars feared and will continue to Yemen their position and are firm on this position with this momentum and great faith presence.

The leader of the revolution spoke about the Yemen Front in support of the people and the Palestinian cause, which carried out operations against ships this week with 15 ballistic missiles, winged missiles, and drones, and operations are continuing.

He reiterated that the response to the Zionist aggression on Hodeidah is inevitably coming, and has its course, equipment, tactics, and custom capabilities.

He pointed out that the hostile US raids this week amounted to 10 raids, including eight raids on Hodeidah and two raids on Hajjah and Sanaa, pointing out that in the battle of “the promised conquest and holy jihad,” he had the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Allah 73 martyrs and 181 wounded. He pointed out that the Yemeni people make sacrifices and martyrs for the sake of Allah, in an affirmation that they will not fail on the day when most of the nation’s sons fail to support Palestine.

Sayyid. Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi touched on the formation of the government of change and construction this week. “We had hoped to complete this step in the month of Muharram and the delay occurred for practical reasons,” he said.

He stated that the formation of the government of “change and construction” was characterized by addressing inflation, after the government was composed of 44 ministers, it became 19 ministers at the beginning of the correction, and the government formation was characterized by a working team that we ask Allah to provide it with success, and the path of change in the government side will continue to correct its situation as well as the judiciary.

“The new government needs an opportunity to move in performing its tasks and has many commitments in the path of administrative reform, transactions, and procedures, and not everything will change in one moment because the government has many obligations in administrative reform and correcting its mechanisms in transactions, procedures, and others,” he added.

The Leader of the Revolution indicated that the administrative path is very important for correction in his executive and practical tasks and facing the conditions in the country, stressing that the government needs the cooperation of everyone and time, and the fruit hopefully will be reflected in reality.

He pointed out that the government will work with its legal powers and according to a work program and specific priorities and according to the conditions and capabilities available and with supervision, adding, “Whoever succeeds from the work team has his success, and those who have proven irresponsible through practical reality will be changed.”

“Success in change lies in cooperation and integration between the government and the people in light of the difficult circumstances and the all-out war targeting our country, and we must move out of public responsibility with a correct understanding of responsibility, integration of roles and overcoming selfishness and narrow calculations,” he said.

Revolution leader explained that those who will move to obstruct the path of change are from their calculations within narrow personal, partisan, or factional interests. “Whoever wants good for his country and his people will be keen to contribute positively and cooperate well, with sincere advice and with a pure soul,” he said.

He stressed the need for official and popular cooperation to avoid and reduce damage and relief for the afflicted and affected, adding, “Our people must take advantage of the blessing of rain and rain in the agricultural aspect and pay attention to initiatives related to the use of water, such as the construction of canals, barriers, dams, and flood drainage to avoid damage.

Concerning activities in support of the Palestinian people, the Leader of the Revolution stressed that the Yemeni people are the race and leader at the level of all peoples of the world, and the demonstrations of the Yemeni people, marches, events, stands, seminars and evenings were characterized by their intensity, momentum, and continuity.

He stated that the popular activities are evidence of the credibility of faith belonging and human values of the dear Yemeni people, noting that at the level of mobilization, there are more than 400,000 graduates of military courses and hundreds of military activities and parades.

“As long as the aggression against the Palestinian people and the siege continue, we will continue our military operations and popular activities as a sacred jihadist mission,” he said, stressing that “steadfastness and continuity are part of our faith and loyalty with Allah and our sincerity with the Allah.”

He pointed out that the American, Israeli, British, and hypocritical agents wish to stop Yemeni military operations and pressure Yemen for that. He added, “Humiliation is far from us” that our position weakens and that the squares are empty, as our people, with their loyalty and steadfastness, proceed from my faith in support of Palestine.”

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi referred to the Lebanese Support Front, which continues strongly in its escalating operations and affecting the enemies, and in the media field, the video scenes testify to the effectiveness and impact of the operations of the Support Front in Lebanon. He pointed out that there is great Zionist fear and concern about the response of Hezbollah, and they count the response as a thousand accounts because they expect it to be a painful and effective response.

The Leader of the Revolution began his speech by recalling the continuation of the Israeli enemy of the crime of the century in the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza for 314 days, considering the “Dawn Massacre” the most heinous crimes of the Zionist enemy during the past week by targeting worshipers in the school of the followers with three American bombs.

He stressed that the Zionist enemy violated the lives of civilians with the dawn massacre violated the sanctity of prayer and prayer and deliberately exterminated worshipers, pointing out that the toll of the enemy’s crimes for one day of 314 days is enough to awaken the conscience of any human being.

He explained that the reactions in the Islamic and Arab arena are the case expressed by the Holy Quran says, “You cannot make the dead to hear, nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they flee, turning their backs. Noting that the enemy’s crimes of renewed atrocity did not move the leaders and governments in Arabic nor did their movement the size of the tragedy of the Palestinian people.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that some Arabic regimes are complicit, and the Israeli enemy boasts of tons of fruits and foodstuffs, while the Palestinian people are starving, and some Arabic regimes move with all their strength to provide military protection to the enemy and intercept the missiles or drones it targets.

He reported that Arab media outlets have turned into platforms to justify the crimes of the Israeli enemy to direct morale in its favor and to direct the language of defiance to the nation, and most of the elites are in hibernation and have no position on Gaza and some in the same direction as the authority that governs them.

“Few religious scholars have a position in support of Palestine, and most of them have no movement to mobilize the nation to carry out its sacred jihadist responsibility, and those who call themselves ‘senior scholars’ symbols of takfir and fitna have a voice, but it is a braying that always calls for sectarian strife,” he said.

The leader pointed out that the symbols of takfir seek to divert the attention of the nation from its enemy and its real cause and ignore what is happening to the Palestinian people and fail them, adding, “We do not hear from the symbols of sedition except the denial and ugliest voices charged with slander, sedition and serving the enemy.”

He pointed out that the political and academic elites in the nation are absent, and some have a positive attitude towards Gaza consistent with their affiliation to Islam and “few of what they are,” wondering, “Where are the Muslim peoples that may reach two billion Muslims, why not move to the horror of what is happening in Gaza?”

“There is no excuse in Easter Square for two billion Muslims, neither from the small number nor the lack of equipment, and if hundreds of millions of slackers moved according to their responsibility, the crimes would have stopped and changed the reality of the Palestinian people,” he said.

The Leader of the Revolution promised the nation’s inaction as a contribution to serve the Israeli enemy and a contribution to the tragedy of the Palestinian people, stressing that the titles of major religious responsibilities such as jihad, the promotion of virtue, and support for the oppressed are related to the nation’s responsibility in supporting Palestine.

“Isn’t what is happening in Palestine and these unparalleled tragedies enough for the nation to realize its responsibility to move, fight, and take practical positions that affect the enemies? Is there any justification for the nation to slacken, slack, and ignore what is happening in Palestine, which is terrible?”

“The whiteness of face, honor, glory, dignity and the virtue of performing the sacred duty is for the brothers of the steadfast and steadfast mujahideen in Gaza,” he said, noting that the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip perform their jihadi duty with patience, steadfastness, dedication, and unparalleled valor.

Mr. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that the operations of the mujahideen in Gaza and their stability reveal the enemy’s abject failure and disappointment, explaining that the bombing of “Tel Aviv” occupied Jaffa has a very important significance in the timing where the enemy assumed that he had terminated the Qassam Brigades and brought them to powerlessness.

He stressed that the Qassam in the eleventh month of the aggression is present at a great level, effective and influential on the Israeli enemy, considering the operations of the Al-Quds Brigades and the mujahideen factions and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people evidence of the active and influential presence of the enemy.

The Leader of the Revolution said that the repeated declaration of military zones was a great tragedy and a terrible grievance, but it was also a great lesson for the whole nation about the level of stability and adherence to the cause, pointing out that the patience of the mujahideen and their endurance is a great lesson for the nation, which fails even the simplest positions and practical steps.

“Some members of the nation do not want to bother themselves with any practical step to support the Palestinian people, not with donations or boycotts of goods, nor with demonstrations and media stance,” he said.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi described the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the West Bank as great despite the magnitude of the suffering and the enemy’s use of aircraft in its attacks, pointing out that the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Quds is frequent, and this is in the context of the comprehensive aggression of everything in Palestine.

He stressed that the storming of Al-Aqsa Al-Sharif is a reminder to all Muslims of their responsibility, because these sanctities are for all Muslims, and Al-Aqsa Mosque and Quds are among the sanctities of all Muslims throughout the earth, and they have a responsibility before Allah, and towards the Palestinian people and Islamic sanctities there.