Speech by Al_Sayyid Abdul Malik Al_Houthi (May Allah protect him) on the Anniversary of the Humiliating Flight of the American Marines from Sana’a
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad’s good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
In this speech, I will address three occasions. The first occasion is the anniversary of the humiliating flight of the American Marines and soldiers from Sana’a.
On this occasion, I begin by praising and thanking Allah, who is the Lord of all the worlds, the Protector of the believers, and the Supporter of His oppressed servants. Only because of Him have our dear Muslim Yemeni people achieved this great victory, with all its significant consequences that I will elaborate on in this speech.
Secondly, I extend my congratulations and best wishes to our dear Yemeni people. This is a tremendous blessing from Allah, as well as a magnificent victory and a remarkable achievement accomplished by Him through their efforts. When we reflect on the importance of what has been achieved, on what Allah has bestowed upon our people, and on what He has guided our dear people to achieve in terms of expelling the Americans from Sana’a (the truly humiliating flight), we truly appreciate the significant importance of what was achieved. It is indeed a great blessing, a genuine victory, and a major achievement, for it signifies the failure of the American project to completely control our country, along with all the dire consequences and dreadful disasters that would have befallen our dear people in both their faith and their worldly lives. Therefore, what Allah has granted our dear people, bestowed upon them, and made happen through their revolution and efforts—and which stands as a significant result of the 21st of September revolution in liberating us from American domination and control—is that it, first, has restored and preserved the human dignity of our dear people. This matter is of utmost importance, for it is essential that our people remain free and not be subjected to American control. Indeed, no nation in the world can truly be free while America is controlling every aspect of its affairs. In fact, freedom cannot ever coexist with America’s control over a nation. Thus, the great achievement and magnificent victory that Allah has granted our dear people have preserved human dignity for our dear people by maintaining their freedom and safeguarding and upholding their liberty and independence. It has also preserved the faith-based honour of our dear people. It is utterly impossible for the religious honour of a Muslim nation to coexist with American control, where the Americans interfere in every aspect of life and seek to erase its identity.
It is unworthy of our dear people that in Sana’a, there would be a handful of American criminals who are unbelievers, criminals, rebels, and evildoers—with all their disbelief, criminality, malevolence, disobedience, evildoing, and adoption of homosexuality and other immoral vices, as well as their filth, impurity, disobedience, wickedness, and aggression—to control this people, who are Muslim, deeply rooted in their affiliation with Islam, and authentic in their religious identity. Among this people are many who embody deep faith and moral values and who are highly committed to their faith and morals.
This dear people—among the most steadfast in upholding religious, moral, and human values, even in their norms, customs, and traditions—are not meant to be subservient to a band of American criminals who show utter disregard for all values and morals. These Americans adopt homosexuality and other immoral vices, actively promoting them and making such pursuits their top practical priority in every country they come to control. They behave according to their state of intoxication, alcohol, drugs, crime, immorality, and disregard for all divine principles. However, the country’s officials would head to them to listen and accept all their demands, directives, plans, and orders. It is precisely through their immorality, filth, abomination, absurdity, disregard for religious and moral values, and even their hostility to Islamic values and principles and faith morals that they would put themselves in a position of commanding, prohibiting, and directing a people about whom the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) said, ‘The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.’
If such a situation were to persist and were achieved for the Americans, our people would have lost all their religious honour, finding themselves in a position utterly at odds with their faith-based affiliation and identity. Then, they would become a handful of immoral, criminal, and reckless individuals, dismissing all values, even those innate human values that are universally acknowledged. Therefore, it is a tremendous blessing for our dear people to be liberated from American domination and control, for the escape of the American Marines and soldiers from Sana’a signified the failure of the American project to dominate our country.
Then, when we consider the American programme implemented in any country under American control (particularly in Muslim countries, whether in the Arab world or elsewhere), it is an aggressive, destructive, and catastrophic programme. Accordingly, this programme that they were pursuing during their presence in Sana’a—when they held positions of ultimate authority and control and all officials listened to them, including those in the front ranks, at the level of a president (or in a leadership role), a minister, or any other high-ranking position—was to drive our country to the brink of collapse: to cause a complete collapse in all fields. This was evident, and I have long mentioned many of its details.
They politically capitalised on political crises, exacerbating them continuously, along with all the associated details.
They militarily sought to cause a collapse of military forces in the country and reinforce their control over military bases. Had this process continued, their bases would have spread to every strategic location in the country.
They were economically steering the country towards total economic collapse, despite the availability of resources, even though the country was neither under blockade nor engaged in a declared war or a direct and explicit confrontation with external nations—a military battle or something similar.
They infiltrated the educational, healthcare, and judicial sectors, among all other fields. They were undermining the entire state apparatus like termites, working to infiltrate public opinion and even trying to control religious discourse.
Their efforts spanned all directions so as to achieve their desired outcome: the collapse of our country in every respect and complete control over it in every aspect (militarily, politically, and economically) in a way that served them and achieved their own interests while inflicting total harm and loss upon our dear people. This is what they were engaged in; everything was clear, and the details were numerous, as repeatedly highlighted by the media in all aspects, showing how things were progressing and where they were headed. This is why their control was aggressive, and their programme was aggressive in every sense of the word. It is imperative, in every respect, that we free ourselves from their domination.
As for those who hold different orientations based on appeasing America, these are truly stupid orientations, just as was the case on the official side at that time, as well as among certain forces, factions and parties. They exhibit an astounding degree of foolishness from which the Americans have greatly benefited. Indeed, the Americans, especially in the Arab and Islamic world, have primarily taken advantage of this remarkable foolishness and obvious misguidance of those who look at them with a foolish, utterly unrealistic, and completely incorrect perspective. Those who see America as a benevolent force and as a reliable entity for achieving benefits and gains (whether for a regime, an authority, a party, or a country)—those among our Ummah’s peoples, regimes, components, parties and forces who have such a view are in clear misguidance due to that, and their view is foolish and entirely erroneous. This is because the Americans in reality [are enemies], and this is one of the clear, established, and evident matters that are based on facts and truths and also based on the Holy Quran in what it has stated about the enemies of this Ummah: the faction of evil and danger among the Jews and Christians, who are hostile towards our Ummah. The true direction for the Americans is based on two fundamental aspects:
The first aspect is control driven by greed and malevolence. In other words, American policy towards our Ummah across its various countries and peoples is aimed at seizing control. Accordingly, they deploy every plan, method, and policy at their disposal to achieve this objective. They do not bear any will of goodness towards our Ummah, nor do they approach their relations with the countries of our Islamic world (whether in the Arab world or elsewhere) with the intention of doing good, pursuing mutual interests, and acting in good faith or with a positive and ethical spirit.
Anyone who views the Americans as a benevolent, kind, and respectable entity (who desire only mutual interests, have heavy hearts for us, claim to share in the hardships of our people, and profess to care for human rights in our countries) is utterly foolish, profoundly misguided, and lost as a goose in a state of complete misguidance, foolishness, and ignorance. In fact, the Americans are greedy and avaricious, possessing a colonial mindset, especially towards our Ummah, though their greed extends to other countries as well. They primarily seek domination and always aim to secure a lion’s share of every country’s wealth and interests, which fall entirely under the umbrella of their own interests. That is, their own interests come first, let alone those of our Ummah that they openly oppose. And then come the interests of others on the margins—solely to the extent that they serve American interests. There is evidence of this at every stage—consider what Trump has said in expressing American ambitions, even in non-Islamic countries. In Islamic countries, however, the Americans compete and scramble for advantage ‘in the same way people when eating invite others to share their dish’, as stated by the noble Prophetic hadith. Indeed, they treat this Ummah as nothing more than a feast, a dish, and a meal and regard those who possess enormous wealth of it as a milk cow.
Even when it comes to other countries, Trump at this stage speaks very openly and bluntly—perhaps even more so than usual. The typical American approach is to rely on deception, using false labels to mask their greedy, colonial objectives. They are skilled at plundering nations and monopolising their resources, all while cloaking their actions behind misleading titles. In contrast, Trump stands out from his American predecessors among politicians and leaders because he speaks frankly and cannot bear hiding America’s true agendas behind such disguises. For example, he has talked about Canada and even about a large island that belongs to Denmark. In fact, the situation with Denmark got to the point where they told the Americans that if they want to seize the wealth of the island (its oil, its minerals, its riches), then they can take everything they want without confiscating the whole island from them. That is what Denmark said. They are essentially offering the Americans a deal: take as much as you want from that vast island, all its resources, but leave its Danish name as it is. He even covets the Panama Canal, speaks openly about it, renames the Gulf of Mexico as the ‘American Gulf’, and so on. The key difference here is his style—he speaks plainly—as there are many examples that prove this reality. In fact, reality bears witness to how greedy the Americans are!
Therefore, in any country where the Americans have the opportunity to seize control and are given full facilitation, along with total submission from those who should stand against them (be it authority, government, or the populace), they hasten to exploit that opportunity to the fullest. They view submission and acceptance of their dominance and the willingness of others to open all doors for them as a valuable chance to tighten their grip. They do not see this as a positive matter or as a respectful engagement that should be reciprocated with openness and consideration for the interests of that country. Instead, even when the people of a nation, along with their government, authorities, parties, and factions, extend every courtesy to the Americans—offering a handshake, bowing their heads, submitting without resistance, and opening all doors—the Americans do not respond with mutual respect or start paying attention to their rights and interests. The Americans are savage and arrogant, devoid of morals and values. They are consumed by extreme greed. Therefore, they see the situation as an opportunity presented to them without any effort, which they then exploit to the utmost, without regard for the independence of that country, the freedom of its people, or their rights and interests. For the Americans, their interests come first. This is the primary consideration for them as they interact with other nations. When the situation involves our Muslim Ummah and its Arab countries, the Americans are not only driven by greed but also animosity, and they follow a reckless approach: They regard the Muslim individual (whether Arab or not) as having no worth or respect. No matter how positive, friendly, accommodating, or open a Muslim person may be towards the Americans, it never draws him closer to them or earns him any genuine respect or a favourable view in their eyes. In fact, it only deepens the contempt they hold towards him!
The second key pillar guiding the Americans in their dealings with the peoples of our Islamic Muslim Ummah, especially in the Arab world, is the Zionist project. The Zionist project is a joint American-Israeli endeavour, embraced by the Americans just as much as by the Israelis. It is a destructive and aggressive project that poses a serious threat to our Ummah:
It aims to occupy a vast geographical area within our countries—a territory they intend to transform into the largest state—and fragment and divide the remaining territories.
It also aims to seize control of the sacred sites—not only the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the site of the Prophet’s Night Journey (PBUH&F) but also Mecca and Medina. This is all part of the Zionist project.
To seize control over Mecca and Medina is part of the objectives of the Zionist project. This is clearly stated in all their writings, books, plans, and statements. This is an undeniable fact; it is not a matter of mere claims, accusations, or unfounded fears; they openly declare it.
They aim to establish direct control and occupation over a large area of this Ummah under the banner of a ‘Greater Israel’, albeit in stages. The Zionist project, with its objectives, is indeed a vast and extremely dangerous undertaking that is challenging to implement because it is highly destructive and targets an entire nation. However, they are working to realise it through various stages.
The remaining countries are to be fragmented and divided:
submitting to American control;
existing in a state of weakness, disarray, and crises, unable to act against the Israelis and Americans;
losing their wealth for the benefit of the Americans and Israelis;
allowing the most strategically suitable geographical locations to be designated for military bases serving American and Israeli interests;
dedicating the human resources to benefiting only the Americans and Israelis; and
living in a state where the Ummah loses its identity and all that is meaningful—its principles, values, sound ideologies, and all divine guidance that could empower this Ummah to confront that enemy.
In fact, they know Islam well. They even have experts who specialise in understanding Islam as a great religion—its principles, ethics, values, and teachings. They focus on everything that could help build this Ummah to first enjoy divine care and support and become a strong nation. Therefore, they then target all these principles, teachings, values, and ethics that could rebuild our Ummah to a level that would serve as an obstacle to the Zionist project. This is why a significant part of their activities targets this Ummah at the cultural and intellectual level and through misguidance and moral corruption:
They seek to spread immorality, vices, drugs, and alcohol.
They greatly focus on targeting young people.
They intensively use soft warfare to a great extent in their targeting.
Their misleading efforts target everything:
They use education as a means of deception and seek to infiltrate the educational system.
They seek to infiltrate the media to shape public opinion in ways that serve American interests and promote narratives beneficial to both the Americans and the Israelis.
The Americans also plan their policies towards our Ummah as a whole according to what serves the Zionist project. These are the constants that shape American policies and agendas. Consequently, the American approach poses a threat to all countries of our Ummah without exception. Although the immediate threat may be greater in some countries while other countries might be postponed, they are still working on those in other ways. They intensively target certain countries before moving on to others. This is an established fact. The Zionist project is destructive and aggressive; it cannot be reconciled with. No nation within our Muslim Ummah can accept it without losing everything: their worldly life and eternal future, their freedom and independence, their human dignity and faith-based honour. Their identity will be erased, and they will suffer in this world and face punishment in the Hereafter.
This is how we should all view both the Americans and the Israelis—especially the Americans. Some among our Ummah, in fact many, mistakenly see the Americans as something different from the Israelis, even though they are merely two sides of the same coin. They embody colonialist, aggressive, greedy, and rapacious tendencies. Moreover, the Zionist project they believe in—and even sanctify in the name of religion—perfectly aligns with their own ambitions, whims, and colonial desires. That is how we should view the Americans. Accordingly, any policies based on a naive, unrealistic view of the Americans ultimately serve their interests. In other words, the policy of appeasement—which treats the Americans as if they were just any other state with certain interests that can be negotiated while taking into account the needs of other countries and peoples—is fundamentally flawed. Such an approach leads to misguided policies that harm our Ummah, our people, and our countries, exposing us to danger and loss. This is because it benefits the Americans in two ways.
The first way is that it allows them to exploit certain regimes, factions, and groups that share this naive perspective and then tend to align themselves and collaborate with them under the policy of appeasement, seeking to secure gains and interests in their shadow. In other words, there are regimes, factions, and groups that consider themselves clever, with some leaders seeing themselves as geniuses in political acumen and understanding. They believe they can align themselves with the Americans, support them, form alliances, and collaborate, all while directing fierce hostility towards other groups of their own Ummah, those groups facing warfare, confrontation, and overt, hostile targeting by the Americans. So they align themselves with the Americans, thinking they will achieve gains and benefits by doing so. They believe that the Americans will appreciate their alignment and reward them for it. They do believe that they can secure their interests alongside the Americans by participating in the occupation of other Arab and Islamic countries, joining them in plundering their resources and obtaining specific benefits. Thus, they integrate themselves into that project!
This way of thinking is utterly foolish. In fact, the Americans are taking advantage of them, seeing them as naive and ignorant, exploiting them for as long as they are useful. But once they are no longer needed, they will discard them without a second thought. At that point, they will show no gratitude or appreciation for their efforts, no matter how great, and they will simply be cast aside. This is because they, too, are ultimately targets; they are on the target list of their project, just like the rest of the Ummah. Their own countries are included in this targeting, as they are part of this targeted Ummah. Yet, the Americans have no problem exploiting them by using their wealth and their manpower, making them fight on their behalf, mobilising their media, sacrificing for their cause, and doing everything for them.
While it may seem like there’s no immediate harm in the Americans taking advantage of them, the reality is that once they are no longer needed, they will be treated in an entirely different manner. History offers plenty of examples—even before the Americans, Britain did the same. Many placed their trust in Britain and ended up losing in the end. The same applies to the Americans. Even some Arab leaders aligned themselves with the Americans and ended up losing. When it was in America’s interest to get rid of them, it did so without a second thought. Some Arab leader left behind advice and a final testament after losing his rule, authority, influence, and everything he once had: He said that one should never trust the Americans, because they are not loyal and betray those who stand by them. The evidence of this is abundant, but this is not the time to go into the details.
But what is all of this based on? It is based on the foolish perspective towards the Americans: how the Americans view our Ummah, how they deal with it, and the foundation upon which their policies towards our Ummah are built.
Some people also, due to this misguided perspective, as we’ve said, end up opening all doors for the Americans: They allow the Americans to interfere in every area, welcome them, remove any obstacles in their path, and give them free rein in their countries to do as they please. In doing so, they provide them with the opportunity, as I mentioned earlier, to establish their control. {‘They destroyed their houses by their [own] hands’}[Al-Hashr 59:2]. They themselves enable America to ultimately lead them to ruin and then impose its control over them after stripping away all their means of strength, cohesion, and steadfastness, infiltrating all fields and their public arena to recruit individuals from within and shift the direction of their animosity away from it, which helps it achieve its objectives with ease.
What has allowed the Americans to have significant influence in the reality of the Ummah is this major issue that we see in its reality: Some have a foolish perspective towards the Americans and, as a result, collaborate and align themselves with them, while some others open all doors for them. Unfortunately, this is a clear issue within the reality of the Ummah.
Notice how, when the Americans, for example, make a hostile decision against any Muslim country, whether in the Arab world or elsewhere, such as imposing an economic embargo, the Arabs adhere to it more strictly than they do to the Quran. Most of them do not truly adhere to the Quran, yet when it comes to this embargo, they treat it as if it were a divine command that should not be violated. They strive to adhere to that embargo latterly and implement it meticulously. So, what makes these decisions effective? It is when the Arabs implement them, when the countries implement them and remain committed to them. When the Americans take a hostile stance against a country, media outlets across the Arab world and the Islamic world align with that stance, supporting it. In this way, they grant these decisions power, even within their own countries. They allow the Americans to have influence even on themselves.
This state of submission and this foolish approach that is based on subservience and obedience to the Americans was also evident during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and the events in the Gaza Strip. Despite the fact that the oppressed and persecuted Palestinian people are part of this Ummah, and that Palestine, with its sacred sites—especially the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is one of the most important religious landmarks of this Ummah and is the site of the Prophet’s Night Journey (PBUH&F)—is undeniably an inseparable part of the Arab world, despite all this, the position prevailing in the Arab and Islamic world, especially among Arab regimes, was one of complicity and inaction. While the Americans directed all their resources, even to the extent of participating alongside the Israelis in targeting the Palestinian people in Gaza, committing genocide against them, starving them—where children were dying from hunger, cold, and from other forms of brutality including murder and genocide by American bombs—the Arab world along with its regimes remained passive. No serious or practical action was taken, nothing more than empty statements at summits; even the most basic steps, the simplest actions and positions, such as boycotting Israel in specific areas, were never pursued.
For example, the Saudi regime, which hosted several summits to issue statements that resulted in nothing, did not take action to close its airspace and airports to Israeli flights —a step it could have easily taken. Oman, in solidarity with the Palestinian people, took that step and closed its airspace to Israeli flights, which upset the Israeli enemy. In contrast, the Saudi regime did not even take such a step: to stop Israeli flights and prevent the flow of Zionists into the lands of the Two Holy Mosques. While the aggression was at its peak in the Gaza Strip, there were Zionists in Riyadh and various locations within Saudi Arabia who shared video footage showing them dancing, playing, celebrating, and engaging in their rituals; however, no action was taken to stop even this, nor did the Saudi regime take other simple actions it could have easily implemented. For example, it could have removed the terrorist designation of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, and the Palestinian mujahidin, as they are unjustly labelled as terrorists by the Saudi regime. It could have revoked that designation, but it chose not to. It could have released the innocent Hamas detainees—who did nothing to harm the Saudi regime in any way and were imprisoned solely for their opposition to the Israeli enemy—but it did not do so. These are simple steps, yet the regime took none of them. Why?
This is because the Arab regimes did not have the will to take any practical position—practical actions, not just issuing empty statements—no matter what was available and possible. On a humanitarian level, the Arab regimes did not dare to unite in a collective position and impose the delivery of food to the Palestinian people, who were starving in the Gaza Strip.
The regimes that have normalised relations, betraying their Ummah, did not retreat from the so-called Abraham Accords. This showed there was no real intent to take a meaningful stand. Some were complicit and stayed that way, while others were negligent and remained so, regardless of what happened in Palestine. This was a very clear problem in reality. What was the reason behind this? It was due to their submission, their subordination, and their constant appeasement of the Americans.
Amidst all this, the most significant action in supporting the Palestinian people within the Islamic arena came from the axis of Quds, jihad, and resistance, from the support fronts. They were the ones who took practical positions. However, some became preoccupied with slandering them, openly supporting Israel through a very clear media campaign, and directing hostility against the support fronts. Why? This is because they are forces free from American dominance—they are not submissive, nor are they followers. The official and popular position of our country would not have reached this level of genuine, serious support for the Palestinian people—especially through military operations, including missile strikes, naval operations, and the prevention of Israeli navigation in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Bab Al-Mandab strait, and the Arabian Sea—if it were not for this free approach opposing American dominance and submission to the Americans.
Therefore, we can see the kind of position that those who have recruited themselves to America’s tools—slaves to the slaves of America—took. We can also see what they did to stand and support the Palestinian people. Despite the fact that the coalition of aggression controls the entire Yemeni coast on the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, directly controls Bab Al-Mandab, and controls part of the coast on the Red Sea, those who enlisted with it have not moved, not even for a single operation, against the Israeli ships—not even for one operation. That is although they could have taken action. They had no practical position that supported the Palestinian people; rather, the logic of those who recruited themselves with the coalition of aggression regarding our country’s position (which is honourable in every sense of the word and clear and in which our country did everything possible militarily and through our people’s movements and in all aspects) was the same as the logic of Israelis, Netanyahu, and the rest of the Zionist criminals, not differing from it at all.
Thus, we see the significant difference between [the position of] those who move freely with dignity, not submitting to American dominance and control, nor following American and Israeli interests, and the positions of others who submit to America. This state of submission is employed by America for the benefit of Israel, as the Americans are interested in the Zionist project, leading those who submit to them to serve it.
Therefore, the result of their complacency and collusion during the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, over fifteen months, with all its crimes, brutality, and tyranny, is that the Americans covet from them to do even more. Hence, we now see the American madness when the Americans propose to some Arab regimes that they should accept the Palestinians after America displaces them: It wants to displace the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip to their countries. This proposal is irrational, has been rejected by the whole world, has seemed very strange, and has put the Arab regimes in a very embarrassing and awkward position. This dreadful proposal has put them in a bizarre stalemate. This is because they cannot comply with this American request without finding themselves indeed in an extremely humiliating position: They will completely relinquish any value of the Palestinian cause and will be deeply embarrassed before their own people.
The American proposal was met with disapproval from the Europeans, despite their alliance with the Americans and their shared interests. It was also rejected by various countries around the world. So if some Arab regimes were to accept it, doing so would be shameful for them, representing the height of disgrace and creating a significant problem for them.
Why did the Americans covet and have the audacity to say this and present this request? It is due to the Arab regimes’ previous complacency, collusion, and other such behaviours. Thus, the Americans keep repeating their position, rhetoric, and suggestions, even though the Arab regimes have announced their rejection of this American request—and it is a good position to announce their rejection of this American request and to take a strong position against it. Indeed, the Americans still repeat that the Arab regimes will accept it in the end. It means they covet the Arab regimes to back down even from the position they have currently announced. Why do they have this greed? This is due to the Arab regimes’ poor track record.
In this current situation, there must be a strong and resolute position. There is now a unanimous agreement among Palestinians, Arab governments, and the international community on rejecting and denouncing the American position. That is because it is an aggressive, awful, and blatant position, considered a scandal in every sense of the word: The Americans speak of wanting to displace the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip and occupy Gaza themselves, and then later, Trump stated that he wants to buy the Gaza Strip, as if it were a piece of real estate for bargaining and trade and not part of an authentic homeland.
In fact, this is the American perspective, and this is the Americans’ complete disregard for everything: disregard for laws, systems, principles, values, and ethics. They have no respect for anything, no matter what it is. What matters to them are their own agendas, interests, and whatever serves their ambitions alongside the Israelis.
The crucial thing for the Arab regimes now is to stand firm on this position. Their declared position regarding the displacement issue from the Gaza Strip is good, but they must hold firm and never compromise on it, nor barter this position in other hostile directions against the Palestinian people, which would harm their cause. In fact, the American and Israeli approach is deceitful; they sometimes set higher demands and then enter bargaining and negotiations, but these are at the expense of the Palestinian cause, achieving stage gains to ultimately reach the goal they have not achieved yet. So there must be caution against this, and everyone should take the correct position.
In other words, the Americans have put forward a proposal that matches the proverb, ‘Do not ask for the moon.’ They have asked the regimes that work, cooperate, and align with them to do something that is beyond their ability. This presents a chance for Arab regimes to take a stand and learn to say ‘no’ to America, to break free from a state of submission, dependency, and obedience, and to step out of America’s sphere of control and get used to saying ‘no’. It is also a chance for our entire Ummah (including all its countries, governments, and forces) to cooperate and align in this position that rejects the American orientation and opposes the forced displacement of the Palestinian people, whether from Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, or any part of Palestine.
The position against the displacement of Palestinians must be strong and unwavering, and agreeing on it should serve as an opportunity to promote cooperation and strengthen this unity in order to turn it into genuine collaboration and alignment around this position. This is because accepting such a thing is not in anyone’s interest. It is an opportunity to break free, to say ‘no’ to the Americans, and to block their destructive and hostile objectives against our Ummah. It is also an opportunity to recognise that all the alternatives suggested by Arab regimes and leaders are ineffective, both with the Americans and the Israelis.
The Israelis are unequivocally clear that they cannot accept the establishment of a Palestinian state on any part of Palestine. They do not want this. They are clear about that in the Knesset and in the positions of their senior criminals: This matter is clear in this regard.
Therefore, it is not successful nor effective that the Arabs constantly insist on suggesting the two-state solution and the idea that the Palestinians should settle for a very tiny part of Palestine, while the rest is taken away for the benefit of the Israeli enemy, with this small part being called a state, but without actually being a real state: remaining under Israeli control with no army, military forces, freedom of will, foreign policy, or any other thing, even enjoying its full rights. Therefore, they need to change their policies, starting by their policies regarding the Palestinian resistance and the mujahidin in Palestine. Arab regimes must change their negative position towards them, embrace them, and support them financially, politically, and in the media. Indeed, there is no shame in this. The Palestinians have every legitimate reason to rely on. Their position is legitimate, Islamic, religious, and humane and is in line with international law, United Nations charters, and all due considerations. They are a people who fight for their land, their rights, and their legitimate rights that are completely recognised. Therefore, the Arabs must change their position and adopt the correct one.
Now, the danger lies in the American position regarding the West Bank, as the Israeli enemy commits crimes there, attacking Jenin, Tulkarm, and other places across the West Bank. Considering what the Israeli enemy is doing there, there must be an Arab and Islamic position that exerts pressure to stop this and supports the Palestinian people. Similarly, given the American conspiracies against both the West Bank and Gaza, a strong position must be taken.
The American ambassador to the Israeli enemy says that biblical prophecies will be fulfilled during the Trump administration, referring to the Zionist project. This, in the forefront, heralds as signs that the Israelis will control the West Bank and the confiscate its land.
It is clear here that there is no hope even for the Palestinian Authority, which, sadly, collaborates with the Israeli enemy through its repressive apparatus. Even today, it is complicit in the Israeli assaults on Jenin, Tulkarm, and elsewhere. Not only does it follow these attacks but also cooperates in the same Israeli aggression and violations, carrying out parallel operations: arresting, abducting, and killing. In other words, it is directly cooperating with the Israeli enemy. On what basis does it act this way? Is there any political horizon it is hoping for, in the light of this clear and explicit American position, which denies all Palestinian rights and also repudiates all previous agreements and other matters?
The Palestinian Authority should change its negative orientations. This is the time for unity and cooperation from everyone, regardless of past differences or previous choices. The situation is clear and evident, especially in the face of American arrogance, aggression, and horrible denial condemned by the entire world. There must be unity on the Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic levels. While other countries around the world condemn and criticise the American position, their disapproval will not be translated into practical action. So whose responsibility is this? It is our responsibility as Muslims. If we are waiting for China, the Europeans, Russia, or any other country in the world to fight against Israel and America on behalf of Palestine, that is a delusion and an illusion. The others take political and media positions and may sometimes advance to economic steps, as seen in some European countries. Nonetheless, the strong position lies with the Muslims and Arabs. Therefore, everyone must unite on the Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic levels, and they must take a decisive position against American orientations.
If all people rely on Allah and unite their position, they can thwart the American orientation. Some people think that if America wants something, it can simply say ‘be’ and it happens. That is not right; Americans can indeed fail. When Trump claimed he would buy the Gaza Strip, from whom would he buy it? Would he buy it from the people of Gaza? Which people are as patriotic, free, honourable, proud, steadfast, resilient, and willing to sacrifice as the people of Gaza? They have stood firm and clung to their rights for fifteen months, despite enduring acts of genocide, comprehensive destruction, and unparalleled aggression. Do you really think (you foolish and naive person) that those honourable individuals, after such extraordinary resilience and significant sacrifices, would sell their homeland to you? From whom will you buy Gaza? You are an ignorant, thoughtless, and reckless fool, who behaves like a merchant with everything, assuming that others will bargain over anything.
The conditions are favourable, as the Americans have reached this level of exposure and scandal and have asked for the impossible. The circumstances are now ripe for the Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians to unite in their position against American efforts to displace the Palestinian people from Gaza, the West Bank, and any part of Palestine. This is an important issue
The Israelis must realise that no matter how much they bet on the Americans, they will not achieve their goals. If they turn to escalation—and they are now procrastinating on implementing the second phase of the agreement—this escalation will be met with resilience and steadfastness from the Palestinian people and with Israeli failure. The free people of this Ummah will stand with the Palestinian people. We will continue upholding our position; our hands are on the trigger, ready for immediate escalation against the Israeli enemy if it escalates its attacks on the Gaza Strip and if it thinks it can return to its comprehensive aggression against the Gaza Strip, with the American embrace. What is different in the American position is the expressions. Otherwise, Biden and his administration were doing for the Israelis exactly what Trump is doing: supplying them with bombs, sharing everything with them, and providing full support. The difference lies in the Trumpian logic, which is blatant and exposed. That is the difference.
Therefore, if the Israelis think that they will achieve their goals with Trump against the Gaza Strip, they are mistaken, by the will of Allah. That is because the Palestinian people, along with the free people of this Ummah, will face this with resilience. As I have said, we will stand firm, both militarily and in all other fields. The plans of Trump and his team and the criminal Netanyahu and his criminal allies are plans doomed to failure. Even the enemy’s entity must recognise this truth that those plans will not succeed and that any attempt to circumvent the agreement and return to aggression and escalation will fail to secure the release of captives without a prisoner swap and will also pose a danger to them. At the same time, it will not bring them any security or peace of mind. They will return to a state of war with all the risks of war in terms of security, military, and even economy, no matter the American support. Therefore, it is not in their interest if the criminal Netanyahu turned to launch a new aggression, thinking that things will be easy and that all the plans, which are infeasible, will be implemented. The Israeli goal is clear, but it will not be achieved, by the will of Allah.
As for Lebanon, we are closely monitoring the situation there. We reaffirm our unwavering position in solidarity with our brothers in the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and the Lebanese people. The Israelis’ (and also Americans’) objective behind the extension is clear: to continue their aggression by destroying the homes and residences that remain in Lebanese villages, bulldozing farmland and fields, and uprooting olive trees. Therefore, during this entire period of extension, what has the Israeli enemy been doing? It has been demolishing buildings with mines, setting some on fire, razing agricultural land, and even damaging roads between towns and villages. These are acts of blatant lawlessness, brutality, and aggression. In other words, there is no so-called ‘security objective’; there is only pure aggression. There is, in fact, no justification whatsoever for Israel’s continued occupation of any part of Lebanon. Thus, we stand firmly with our brothers in the Islamic Resistance, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese people. Should the Israeli enemy escalate its aggression or launch a full-scale aggression on Lebanon, we are fully prepared to stand by Lebanon (militarily and otherwise) supporting the Lebanese people and resistance.
Regarding the second occasion—in the context of national events, I have already spoken about the first occasion, the expulsion of the Americans and their humiliating flight from Sana’a. The second occasion marked by this anniversary is the 11 February Revolution of 2011.
It was a popular revolution in which the Yemeni people took to the streets. However, external forces, led by America, sought to take control of the revolution and suppress the will of our people. Through their powers and proxies, they worked to usurp our dear people’s free will from this revolution and their goals of it. As a result, the revolution was infiltrated, and foreign-backed tools attempted to ride its wave. However, the 21 September Revolution corrected the course. Without it, external forces would have succeeded in fully containing the revolution. The continuation and success of the 11 February Revolution were ultimately realised through the 21 September Revolution.
Another significant occasion is the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran over the regime of the Shah, who was a clear collaborator of both America and Israel.
On this occasion, I extend my congratulations and best wishes to our brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran—both its leadership and its people. The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran was a great achievement for the Muslim people of Iran and a major gain for the Palestinian cause.
Before the Islamic Revolution, the Shah and his regime were clear collaborators with America and Israel, fully cooperating with the Israelis. This changed entirely when the Islamic Revolution started and triumphed in Iran. Iran has become the strongest supporter of the Palestinian cause among Arab and Muslim nations, standing firmly with the Palestinian people and mujahidin. It is a gain for the Arab world. The Shah and his regime never served Arab interests, as the greatest threat to the Arabs has always been the Israeli enemy. He never stood with the Arabs against Israel. Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran takes a clear and unwavering position alongside the Arabs against the Israelis, with a beneficial and friendly approach for all Muslims.
As I have stated, the Islamic Republic has stood firmly and faithfully with the Palestinian people and their mujahidin since the victory of the revolution. It has never wavered or changed its position. It has consistently sought to build friendly, brotherly relations and maintain good neighbourly ties with Arab nations—even with regimes that have chosen to treat Iran as an adversary for the sake of America and Israel. The Islamic Republic continues to pursue improved relations with these nations.
The idea that America is pushing to dominate the Arab world (that Israel is a friend of the Arabs, while Iran is the enemy and the real threat) is an Israeli idea and a deceptive American idea that mocks even the Arabs themselves. When some adopt and embrace this American-Israeli idea, it is the very definition of foolishness, naivety, and misguidance. It is utter misguidance when a person becomes so confused that he can no longer distinguish between friend and foe. Even animals can distinguish between their enemies and their friends. When a person reaches the point where they fail to make that distinction, they sink to a level lower than that of animals. It is truly saddening that some have adopted the very mindset of Israel. Israel has been promoting this message for a long time, and then this has been transmitted to certain Arabs who keep repeating it incessantly. They even say it more often than a believer mentions Allah: They mention Iran and say, ‘The enemy is Iran; the threat is Iran,’ and so on more than believers glorify. Allah This represents an extraordinary level of absurdity, and some engage in this as a form of collaboration in every sense of the word.
Israel is the enemy of this Ummah—the enemy of the Arabs first and foremost. Its threat is aimed at the Arabs before anyone else because it seeks to occupy their lands. It is also an enemy of Iran, an enemy of all Muslims, and a threat to everyone. Therefore, even amid American madness and Trumpism, it is incumbent upon Muslims to reach an understanding, cooperate, have the same word, and rally around a unified stance against the endeavours of America and Israel.
Anyone who believes they can win the Americans’ favour is deluded. O Arabs! The Americans might take all your money, which, by the way, is something that pleases them. But no matter how much money, support, or concessions you offer them, their sole aim is to serve Israel. To them, you are nothing more than exploited resources—they even call you ‘milking cows’. Anyone among you who has money and gives it to them is seen as nothing more than a milking cow! As for those who lack money, the Americans want them to sacrifice themselves—their lives—for them. So they want you to sacrifice your wealth and lives to serve them and the Israelis.
The Americans do not care for anyone in this region except the Israelis; therefore, they show no respect, consideration, or value for anyone else, and they are completely unashamed. They openly declare that they demand everything from others to serve Israel. However, there is an opportunity to free yourselves from American hegemony.
In conclusion, we reaffirm our steadfast, principled, humanitarian, moral, and religious position in supporting the Palestinian people and their mujahidin at all levels: to move militarily, politically, and in the media and perform jihad with our souls and wealth to the best of our ability. We will never hesitate to do so with all that is within our power. We even strive for what is currently beyond our ability with Allah’s help. We are even prepared for military intervention at any time during any escalation against Gaza.
We also reaffirm our unwavering stance against American control over our country, regardless of the circumstances. This date marks a historic day for our dear people and a significant divine victory in freeing ourselves from American dominance and control. We will always work to safeguard this great achievement: the freedom and independence of our people, as it is essential for human dignity and faith-based honour. This great achievement has come about thanks to Allah (the Almighty) and the awareness, movement, and revolution of our dear people. This freedom and independence will, Allah willing, spread across Yemen.
Our stance against American dominance and control reflects the will of our dear people and aligns perfectly with their faith-based identity. This is a people of belief, and Allah (Glory be to Him) said in the Holy Quran, {‘And to Allah belongs [all] honour, and to His Messenger, and to the believers’}[Al-Munafiqun 63:8]. In this context, we act with the conviction that our freedom is part of our religion and that dignity is a matter of faith. Therefore, we will submit only to Allah, the Almighty. We rely on Him and place our trust in Him, and He is the One Who said in the Holy Quran, {‘And Allah will surely grant victory to those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty’}[Al-Hajj 22:40]..
Our position is decisive and unwavering, no matter the challenges, as it is based on principles that cannot be compromised or neglected. It goes in line with humanity, ethics, religion, and values, and it is a wise position grounded in clear understanding. We recognise the real dangers of American control, which represent a loss for both religion and this world, a loss for the future of any country.
Thus, the important lesson from this day—a day that witnessed the American Marines fleeing Sana’a in disgrace through the airport after destroying their own weapons with their own hands—is this: When a people move with sincere will and trust in Allah (the Almighty), they will triumph, and Allah will grant them assistance, regardless of the material power or military capabilities of the tyrants. They fled in disgrace, destroyed their own arms, and ran away, only to scheme from afar against our country, seeking to involve the foolish to fight on their behalf while paying them at the same time.
The American position relies primarily on infiltration and the exploitation of others; otherwise, they are weak against any people who move with genuine determination and trust in Allah. Our peoples possess all the elements of strength: Their faith in Allah, their reliance on Him, and their adherence to the guidance of Allah and the values and ethics of their religion—this is a source of strength that grants them victory and assistance from Allah, as well as steadfastness in their position, because they draw on immense moral support and rely on very strong foundations. This is what we learnt from the lesson we witnessed on a day like this: The Americans fled from Yemen after previously standing in arrogance and pride, with heads of officials bowing before them and submitting to them. They humiliated everyone, interfered in all matters with arrogance, and then fled in disgrace from Yemen.
The Palestinian people’s position in Gaza showcases the fruits of resilience, reliance on Allah, and action that is based on the genuine will of the people. In the face of extremely difficult circumstances and with no capabilities, what did the Palestinian people in Gaza have? It was their faith—faith in Allah, faith in their cause, and faith in their legitimate rights to be free and to refuse submission and surrender to their enemies. The outcome was in their favour. The ‘day after’ war in Gaza was a day of Palestinian victory, a day filled with enthusiasm, where the Al-Qassam Brigades stood tall and proud, together with their fellow mujahidin from other Palestinian factions. This is one of the fruits of their victory.
The Islamic Revolution in Iran succeeded because the Muslim Iranian people rose up with the will to free themselves from American dominance and control, represented by the Shah, who was a subservient agent of America and Israel. In the end, the Muslim Iranian people triumphed.
In Lebanon, Hezbollah has been blessed by Allah with significant victories at various stages, even after the Israeli enemy reached Beirut, only to be defeated, humiliated, and driven out. The liberation of 2000 was a historic and divine victory because the resistance and its popular support carried the will and faith, moving forward with strength. Therefore, the Israeli enemy was vanquished before them. It also faced a truly humiliating defeat in 2006. Furthermore, they have been defeated in this recent confrontation where they aimed to completely eradicate Hezbollah and eliminate the resistance in Lebanon, as they, along with the Americans, sought to gain control over Lebanon. Even regarding the government in Lebanon, the Americans audaciously expressed their objections to the representation of Hezbollah and the resistance in the government, but they failed in their attempts.
Our peoples must have confidence in Allah (the Almighty) and head in the right direction, one that guarantees their freedom and human dignity, preserves their legitimate rights, and safeguards their religion and worldly affairs. They need to adopt the correct perspective towards the Americans: Who are they? What are their goals? What are their agendas? They are a true enemy of these peoples, driven by their ambitions and their support for the Zionist project, as well as their view of the Israeli enemy. Based on this, one can determine the right choices and correct positions that this Ummah should adopt.
I say to all those who have deified America and view it, as I have said, as an entity that can bring into existence whatever it wants with just a word: You should at least try to refrain from getting involved with America. Leave it alone and observe how it will become. America appeared weak and fled from Yemen during the revolution of 21 September. It ran away, with its Marines, revealing its weakness.
Even when our dear people supported the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip through naval operations against the Israeli enemy and its ships, including those carrying goods for it, as well as through operations targeting the Israeli enemy deep within Palestine, the Americans came to support the Israeli enemy and announced their aggression against our country, but our people, with their faith-driven will and orientation, remained steadfast. So was that the end of the world?
For fifteen months, our dear people took to the streets in millions every week, holding firm to their position—a military and comprehensive position. Operations continued, with missiles targeting even aircraft carriers—several of them fled—and ships and war vessels. The Americans carried out airstrikes, sending stealth aircraft from America to bomb us and using bombers along with their various military arsenal. Yet, our people remained resilient, steadfast, present, and free because they rely on Allah and are sincere in their commitment to this path. This is the right choice and the right position, and we will remain resolute in that, no matter the challenges.
We trust and believe in Allah’s true promise of the eventual downfall of the temporary Israeli entity—which is something everyone across the Arab and Islamic world should take to heart. This is the promise that Allah made in His word. It is part of our religion, part of our certainty and faith. Therefore, we should be assured of our right choices and positions regarding the inevitable outcome that Allah has promised to His righteous servants, as well as regarding the divine promise of the eventual downfall of the enemy entity, the criminal, usurper, and occupying Israeli entity—a promise that will undoubtedly be fulfilled. Ultimately, nothing but loss awaits the Zionist Jews, as well as those who stand with them and support them; they are destined for loss and regret.
I ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives, for He is the All-Hearer of prayer.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.