
Doctors warn that hospitals may stop due to the siege on fuel



Today, Sunday, officials from the health sector warned that hospital services would be completely stopped for patients, in the event of an electricity outage due to the lack of fuel caused by the US-Saudi blockade on Yemen.

Vice President of the Republican Hospital Authority, Dr. Naji Al-Hubaishi, said that the siege imposed by the Saudi-led aggression has greatly affected the health sector, and is also directly targeting the lives of Yemenis.

Dr. Al-Hubaishi explained that the unjust siege and unjust aggression that is being subjected on Yemen has no moral, religious, human, or even human justification, pointing out that the services provided in all hospitals and medical centers depend on electricity and if it stops, life will stop, and putting a death sentence for all patients.

He noted that we do not have any oil reserves sufficient for critical conditions, appealing to the international community and all the claimants of humanity to stand by them and save millions of patients in all regions in Yemen.

For her part, the head of the dialysis center at the Republican Hospital, Dr. Huda Al-Hibri, stated that the center provides services to 110 patients per day, and many patients are not able to reach the center due to the lack of oil derivatives.

Dr. Al-Hibri confirmed that the dialysis machines may stop at any moment if there is a power outage. She appealed to everyone to have mercy and compassion before the disaster occurs.

In turn, the head of the National Cancer Center, Dr. Abdullah Thawabeh, stated that the Oncology Center provides its services to more than 25,000 patients in all governorates of the Republic.

“Here are patients who receive treatment daily in the radiation department, with a number of 120 patients, and in the chemotherapy department, 140 patients and others in the diagnostic and examination departments, and all of this depends on electricity,” Dr. Thawabeh said.

“We can hardly cover treatments and services for oncology patients, and our available stock is not enough for a month, so what if the blockade on oil derivatives continues,” he added.

Dr. Thawabeh pointed out that the Oncology Center is completely dependent on electricity, saying that they fear the center may stop at any moment due to the blockade on oil derivatives.

He explained that there are doctors who were unable to reach the oncology center due to the lack of oil derivatives, as well as patients in the governorates who will lose their lives at any moment if they do not arrive on time.

He warned of a humanitarian catastrophe against cancer patients, holding the US-Saudi aggressors and their mercenaries fully responsible because of their unjust siege imposed on the country.

He also held the aggressors and humanitarian organizations the full responsibility as a result of any health disaster that might happen to the patients if the blockade on oil derivatives continues.