
Negotiations in progress to conclude a prisoner exchange deal through the United Nations: Al-Murtada



The chairman of the Yemeni government’s Committee for Prisoner Affairs said some indirect talks have been held with the Saudi-led coalition through the UN mediation to ensure the release of thousands of prisoners.


Indirect talks are underway with the Saudi-led coalition through the United Nations to reach an agreement on the exchange of thousands of prisoners, the head of the prisoner affairs committee of the Yemeni National Salvation Government Abdul Qader al Murtada said.

According to the Lebanese “Alahednews” website, Murtada said that the new agreement is bigger than the previous ones, adding that during the last meeting with the UN officials three weeks ago, the parties discussed the signing of the prisoner exchange agreement.

He also called on the United Nations to bring the UAE to the negotiating table in the next round, stressing that UAE is responsible for the disappearance of thousands of prisoners in the southern provinces and the coastal areas in Yemen.

The Sanaa government official added that dozens of previous prisoner exchange agreements are still on hold due to the reluctance of the Saudi regime, describing the move as a crime against both sides’ prisoners.