
3 People Died Due To Torrential Rains in Bani Matar, Sana’a


As a result of torrential torrents, caused by heavy rain Sunday. Three people from one family died in Bani Matar District, Sana’a province.

Local sources told Saba that the torrential rains led to the collapse of a house over the heads of its residents in the village of Bait al-Turki, in the area of Bani Qais in the district of Bani Matar.

It indicated that the incident resulted in the death of the head of the family, Saleh bin Saleh al-Turki, and two of his sons and the rest of the family suffered various injuries.

According to the Sana’a province operations room, the province leadership directed a team affiliated with the Red Crescent Society in the governorate, which moved to the village to provide emergency relief assistance to the affected families.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Higher Council for Humanitarian Affairs in the district, Fouad Mutair, explained that most of the main and secondary roads in the area were damaged due to rain.

He pointed out that a team from the Supreme Council branch and the General Syndicate of Social Workers Organization moved to the area to inventory the material damage and provide assistance, and open water corridors.