
Human Rights Orgs Condemn Crime Of Raping Girls In Hays District Of Hodeidah


The Human Rights Office, Youth Organization for Rights and Sustainable Development and the Jurists Against Aggression Initiative in Hodeidah province on Saturday condemned the crime of raping six girls in Al-Juweir and Al-Suwaihra areas of Hays district by the Saudi-led coalition mercenaries.

Statements issued by those organizations denounced the heinous crime committed by the Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition mercenaries led by the mercenary Bassam Al-Mihdhar, who raped the girls in a cowardly act that contradicts all heavenly laws.

The statements noted that “this crime comes within the systematic criminal chain in which the aggression coalition seeks, through its cheap tools and agents in the occupied areas, to compensate for its failures.”

The organizations’ statements condemned the United Nations’ silence towards these crimes, and held it and all its organizations responsible for this crime and its repercussions on society.

They called for the formation of a neutral international investigation committee to investigate this crime and the previous crimes and rapes of women and children by the aggression countries’ mercenaries.