
Over 9,700 leftover Mines and Explosive Ordnances Removed Across Yemen Since Beginning of War


The Executive Center for Mine Action destroyed more than 9,700 military of remnants of the US-backed Saudi-led aggression colaition that were discovered and collected by field teams operating in Hodeidah.

The destruction included mines and warheads from the remnants of the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries that were discovered in areas south of Hodeidah during the past months.

The Director of Monitoring and Follow-up at the Executive Centre, Abdulghani al-Dailami, explained that the destruction process included cluster bombs and mines that contaminated the outskirts of Hodeidah city and the southern districts, indicating that the center is carrying out its humanitarian duty with the minimum available capabilities.

For his part, the media official at the center, Abdullah Sha’eb, called on international and humanitarian organizations to support the center in bringing in the necessary devices and equipment to carry out its duty to clear the areas contaminated with the remnants of the aggression from mines, cluster bombs and other explosives.