
Revolution Leader: We and our people are steadfast in our position and owill not care about what the Americans are doing and will face any escalation with escalation


Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, has reaffirmed Yemen’s steadfast and principled stance in backing the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples against the criminal Zionist aggression, which they face with the support of American and European nations.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi said in a speech on the developments of the escalation of the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the developments of the aggression on Gaza: “Our dear people will be in the sincere and firm position to support every Islamic country facing aggression from the enemy of the nation, and will not care about everything that the American, his agents, his aides and his mouthpieces do, and we will go to confront any escalation by escalation.”

He stressed that “the development of military capabilities continues with the continuation of momentum and broad popular interaction that starts with faith, patience, and loyalty, and this stage, God willing, will be more effective for our country’s position in light of the development of capabilities and the manufacture of the “Palestine 2″ missile and other capabilities.”

The leader of the revolution called on the Yemeni people to go out tomorrow, Friday, a million out in the squares of the seventy square in Sana’a and the governorates in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, stressing that the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and the mujahideen there will not find from Yemen only loyalty, steadfastness and honesty.

“The popular turnout of our dear people with mobilization, military, political and media stance and donations continued with great momentum and interaction, even though the Americans used many means to influence the position of our country, including military aggression, and did not achieve anything, but contributed to the development of our military capabilities,” he added.

He explained that the Americans pressured Yemen economically and humanitarian and are still doing so to influence the Yemeni position in support of Gaza and try to provoke strife and chaos but failed, stressing that the Yemeni people start from a motive of faith, so the American and his mouthpieces fail in their media war and attempts to confuse and confusion to distract Yemen from supporting Gaza.

Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed that the Yemeni people, with their steadfastness, awareness, seriousness, adherence to this position, and their dependence on God above the level of all US-Israeli conspiracies and intrigues, saying, “If the American imagines with his conspiracies and hostile activities that he will stop our country, it is a false and wrong bet, and this bet will not be achieved for him.”

He stated that the Yemeni people continue their popular activities in support of Palestine and Lebanon, their military, political, and media movement, and the weekly two-millionth exit in support of Gaza and Lebanon, and will continue all their activities, and they are firm in their position with Gaza and the Palestinian people, and with Lebanon and Hezbollah.

The Commander pointed out that the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden have become a completely restricted area for the Israeli, American, and British enemies, indicating that the American warships are now passing through smuggling at full speed, disguised and under fire.

“We carried out operations this week with 39 ballistic missiles, winged missiles, and drones,” he said, considering the “Palestine 2” missile a great achievement, with the grace of God, and entered into service for the fifth phase of the escalation in support of Gaza.

He added, “We will never hesitate to support Gaza and Palestine in general and in supporting Lebanon and Hezbollah and cooperating with it, and as long as the aggression on Gaza continues, all support fronts will continue, and the American and Israeli attempt to stop them will never succeed, Gaza will not remain alone, and our saying to the Palestinian people you are not alone and with you until victory, we said it as a firm position of faith that we will never retreat from.”

He pointed out that demonstrations in many countries continue despite attacks and repression, including demonstrations in America, Canada, and other countries, noting that about 15 countries are witnessing demonstrations in support of Palestine, and in the Arab world they are almost limited to Yemen, Jordan, and Morocco.

The Leader of the Revolution explained that the battle is one and the aggression against the Lebanese people is within the framework of aggression against the Palestinian people, indicating that the balance of the criminal enemy in Gaza is enormous and unparalleled in the quality and method of criminality coupled with the size of the failure to achieve the goals.

He pointed out that the Israeli enemy did not prepare its prisoners, was unable to eliminate the mujahideen in Gaza and became in a quagmire in which it incurs daily losses, stressing that the Israeli enemy failed to achieve its goals despite the size of the massacres, destruction, starvation, support and American participation and political cover for all of that.

He pointed out that the Arab inaction today towards Palestine is unprecedented, yet the Palestinian steadfastness continues, stressing that the Israeli enemy seeks to exterminate civilians every day in Gaza, and the number of martyrs and missing may be more than what is announced. He said.

“Herds of settlers continue to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque، violating its sanctity by dancing parties، chanting superstitions and insulting Islam and Muslims،” he said، referring to the daily crimes committed by the enemy entity in the West Bank with the expansion of settlements، and violations reached the level of poisoning livestock. He said.

The commander stated that with the continuation of the resistance operations, it became clear to the enemy that the Qassam Brigades are coherent and that they have regained operational momentum and developed their offensive capabilities, stressing that the role of Hezbollah, which supports Gaza since the beginning of the aggression, is the strongest and most influential at the level of support fronts.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badreddine al-Houthi considered Hezbollah’s role as authentic and important in confronting the enemy, and its heroic balance, achievements and victories prove its pivotal role for the benefit of Palestine, Lebanon and the nation.

“Hezbollah, with the support of God, inflicted the greatest defeats on the Israeli enemy at stages when it did not have the equipment and number it has today,” he said, explaining that Hezbollah today, with its structure of faithful mujahideen and its strong and conscious popular incubator, is stronger than ever.”he added.

“Hezbollah’s incubator is living the jihadist atmosphere, making sacrifices and achieving victories through its mujahideen men, and it is proud of its position,” he said, stressing that the Israeli goal of the escalation in Lebanon is to prevent Hezbollah from supporting Gaza and the Palestinian people, a goal that will not be achieved. He continued.

The leader of the revolution explained that Hezbollah’s position on the support of Gaza is principled, religious, humanitarian and moral, and at the same time is in the interest of Lebanon, adding, “If the enemy managed to achieve its goals in the Palestinian arena and became full-time after Palestine, Lebanon would be at the forefront of the targeted countries.”

He added, “The Israeli enemy has its grudges and ambitions, and its precedents are known in targeting and occupying Lebanon and committing the most terrible crimes against its people, and when we reflect on the treacherous enemy raids to target Lebanon, we find that aggression is not just an emergency, but comes under prior planning.”

He stressed that the enemy was preparing for the aggression against Lebanon and Hezbollah and was preparing with regard to the information aspect, the targeting plan and the preparation of the ingredients for that. “We note Hezbollah’s strength, cohesion and steadfastness despite the scale of the Israeli aggression,” he said.

Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that despite the aggression that targeted all the incubator villages, we find that Hezbollah has the necessary ingredients for steadfastness, steadfastness and victory, stressing that the mujahideen in Lebanon and Palestine start their position out of faith and feel their jihadist mission and sanctity in the right position.

He said that the danger to the nation is not in its movement and carrying the banner of jihad for the sake of God and confronting its hateful enemies, but in inaction, stagnation, surrender and helplessness, pointing out that history testifies that the failure of the nation inflicted great losses on the Arab and Islamic peoples at the level of deaths and injuries and at the level of loss of homelands and humiliation of dignity.

“Through the experience of Hezbollah, the great and humiliating victories of the Israeli enemy have only been achieved in light of jihad, patience and sacrifice, as well as the experience of the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip has achieved important victories and inflicted heavy losses on the Israeli enemy, and they have a coherent, consistent and steadfast orientation in the face of the enemy,” he said.

“One of the biggest things about our nation’s conflict with the Israeli enemy is the belief in the Quranic facts of the demise of this enemy,” he said, pointing out that the very heinous and very terrible crimes committed by the Israeli enemy will never change the inevitable fact of its demise.

The leader spoke about the state of despair and lack of faith that led some to the point of collusion with the Zionist enemy and cooperation with it and try to support the free sons of the nation.

“The state of despair is dangerous and will lead the accomplices with the enemy to lose, as well as the state of inaction has bad results for them in its consequences and consequences, and what the enemy entity depends on is murder, rape, torture and all kinds of crimes, so how can our peoples continue or live with it?!”

He stressed that America, Britain and the West support the Israeli enemy as part of them and achieve their aggressive colonial goals against the Arab and Islamic nation, adding, “There is also an ideological background among many Westerners in their support for the enemy entity and consider this a religious duty they implement.”

“The West, Britain, America and the regimes associated with global Zionism wanted the Israeli enemy to be a spearhead to target our nation and peoples, just as they wanted the enemy to be broader than Palestine, and they are ready to support it in occupying more than Palestine,” he said.

The leader of the revolution said that the hatred of the West, colonial ambitions and false beliefs met on the nation, so they move with interest to support and embrace the Israeli enemy, and said, “If the Israeli enemy undertakes a ground operation in Lebanon, it is a loser and will not succeed.”

Hezbollah is responding strongly and escalating to the Israeli enemy’s attacks and has huge military capabilities, he said, adding, “The enemy declares that one of its goals in Lebanon is to secure the return of criminal Zionists to northern occupied Palestine, but it will lose more through aggression.”

He pointed out that the enemy was forced to direct more than a million and a half to shelters, and Hezbollah’s fire expands as the Zionist attacks expand, pointing out that Hezbollah has a military and missile capability up to all parts of occupied Palestine, so the enemy will not win this escalation.

Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reiterated that the Israeli enemy will not achieve its declared goals or the results it imagines it will obtain through the displacement of the Lebanese people, pointing out that Hezbollah can, with God’s help and with its faith, determination, experience and capabilities, impose an equation “If you suffer, they suffer as you suffer.”

“In contrast to the pain that is happening in Lebanon and Gaza, it will be met with pain in the reality of the Zionist enemies, who are the weakest at the level of endurance and patience, and the Zionists are now narrowing their shelters and complaining that the shelters are not enough for them during their escape to them, and when we see the reality of many of the usurped towns while they are empty and those who fled in panic to the shelters, we find the strong impact of Hezbollah,” he said.

“Any aggressive ground operation in Lebanon will inflict heavy losses on the enemy and its inevitable result will be a great defeat for them, with God’s help, and the Zionist enemies still remember what happened to them in 2006, and what will happen this time may be much more,” he said.

The leader of the revolution assured all the people of the nation that Hezbollah is in complete cohesion, and its reality is stronger than ever, and the party’s faith, determination and ability is in an effective and influential position that achieves victory, God willing.

He noted the role of the strong Iraqi Support Front and its important and influential operations and the remarkable escalation from the Jordan Valley to um al-Rashrash and towards Haifa and elsewhere.