
Sayyed Abdulmalik :We stand with our brothers in Hezbollah and the “Second True Promise Operation” was successful, strong and striking


Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, emphasized that Yemen’s military operations and escalation are a commitment of faith, jihad for the sake of God, a sacred obligation and an actual necessity.
In a speech today on the latest developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza , Lebanon , regional and international developments, the revolutionary leader said, “Our operations and escalation are a faith commitment, jihad for the sake of God, a sacred obligation and a real necessity, and whoever does not stand the right position with his nation towards its enemies inevitably endangers his future, , this is what many peoples and countries will discover in the coming days.”
“Along with our operations, we continue to develop military capabilities as part of the fifth phase of escalation against the Israeli enemy and to support the Palestinians and their dear mujahideen,” he added.
The leader called on the Yemenis to come out tomorrow, Friday, in Sana’a and the provinces, to honor Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the Palestinian, Lebanese peoples , their mujahideen, and to emphasize the steadfastness of the Yemeni position and to continue to carry the banner of jihad.
He pointed out that the outputs of the general mobilization exceeded half a million trainees, and the mobilization activities in maneuvers, military parades and military marches reached 2,851 activities, the marches, events and popular stands reached a very large level.
He warned of the consequences of failing to fulfill the sacred responsibility, which are dire and encourage the enemies and make them more greedy, adding, “We are facing the Israeli enemy and its American and British partners who are a front for criminality , tyranny and an extension of the criminal path hostile to the divine message and killers of the prophets and the righteous.”
The Revolution Leader stressed that the Israeli enemy’s criminal behavior since the British Mandate until today, in a brutal manner that does not conform to human values, laws, regulations and laws.
He referred to the support front in Yemen al-Iman, which carried out operations with missile shell synchronized with the second “True Promise” operation towards “Jaffa, Umm al-Rashrash and locations in the Negev desert,” explaining that the Yemeni front carried out operations in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, with the number of ships targeted reaching 188 ships, and more American MQ-9 armed reconnaissance planes were shot down, bringing the total number to 11 during this year.
He also emphasized that the US and Israel sought to escalate the aggression against the Yemeni people, the Israeli and American raids this week were 39 raids.
“The targeting of Hodeida city by the Israeli and American enemy will not stop our operations and our ongoing jihad,” he said.
Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin Al-Houthi began his speech by reviewing the major events of the past days from Thursday to Thursday, at the forefront of which was the Zionist enemy’s targeting of the martyr of Islam and humanity, the martyr of Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa and Palestine, His Eminence, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
He considered the enemy entity’s targeting of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as a great crime and an injury to the entire Islamic nation, because of his great role, Islamic symbolism, importance and global, regional and local influence, foremost of which is his role in confronting the Zionist Jewish danger and inflicting defeats on the Israeli enemy.
He pointed out the importance of the role played by Sayyed Nasrallah towards Palestine, Lebanon, their neighboring countries and the entire Islamic nation, considering the Israeli enemy as a threat to Muslims. “For more than 40 years, Sayyed Nasrallah has been present in the field of jihad and confronting the Zionist threat with high effectiveness, a distinguished position and great performance,” he said.
The Revolution Leader pointed out that Sayyed Nasrallah led Hezbollah’s jihadist march for about 30 years with great performance, success , support from God Almighty, achieved major victories and was perfect with his leadership, faith, values, morals, rationality, insight and wisdom.
“God granted Sayyed Nasrallah high qualifications and was characterized by high leadership acumen and his relationship with the masses and society, and his interest in the popular support of Hezbollah and Lebanese society in general,” he said, noting that his interest in the masses and society was based on his belief in the importance of the popular role and the high esteem, honor, love and respect he has for the community.
He added, “Sayyed Nasrallah focused on the jihadist and organizational structure of Hezbollah in addition to his wide activity and his great interest in the masses at the level of the popular incubator, and his communication with the people was strong and he made an effort to clarify the facts to them, as they are a major pillar in the field and the situation.”
He pointed out that Sayyed Nasrallah’s relationship with the masses is strong and their relationship with him is also strong, they reciprocate his love, respect , appreciation , trust him as well, his influence on the enemy masses was clear, and the enemy’s view of him considering his high merit for his performance of his tasks and responsibilities.
Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin Al-Houthi stressed that the Israeli enemy’s view of Sayyed Nasrallah was different from its view of many Arab leaders whom it does not care about and does not give them weight or account, as it viewed him differently and knew what he possesses of leadership ability, courage, faith, insight, rationality, wisdom, determination and steadfastness in position.
He stated that the enemy’s view of Sayyed Nasrallah was different from its view of most of the leading figures in the Arab , Islamic world at the official or popular levels, and the enemy’s audience of settlers used to calculate a thousand accounts for the position announced by Sayyed Nasrallah, for his words, for his promises, for his warning, for his threat, the enemy and its settlers knew his credibility in what he announced or affirmed and threatened.
He pointed out that the enemy saw in Sayyed Nasrallah the great, conscious, intelligent, adult and courageous obstacle and that is why its method was to target him with the most powerful explosives, which shows the extent of the Israeli enemy’s hatred and extreme hostility towards Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The Leader pointed out that the targeting Sayyed Nasrallah was based on an Israeli keenness to get rid of what it considers a great obstacle to its ambitions to control Palestine, Lebanon and the nation, adding, “When the enemy said that what happened is a turning point and that it seeks to change the entire Middle East, this means that it has a program targeting all the peoples and countries of our nation.”
He reiterated that everything the Israeli enemy does is with the support, participation and backing of the United States. He pointed out that the enemy was surprised by Hezbollah’s distinguished, effective, powerful, influential, continuous jihadist march, the more it confronted it and conspired against it, the stronger it became.
He said that Hezbollah started from faith, a just cause and moving on a correct basis, so God granted it more victories, and it was a strong front present at the level of the entire Islamic arena, and the party’s jihadist march emerged distinct, pioneering, patient, steady , rational, possesses a successful, wise and effective performance in light of the many conspiracies.
“The Israeli enemy saw Sayyed Nasrallah as the biggest obstacle to its acquisition and control of the entire region in order to serve American interests,” he said. He pointed out that Sayyed Hassan’s role was not limited to Palestine, but he was interested in the issues of the nation from an early stage, as happened with Bosnia.
The Revolution Leader pointed out that although Sayyed Nasrallah was in a hot battle against the Israeli enemy, he was very interested in what was happening to the Muslim people in Bosnia, went to help and support the Bosnian people and send cadres and men from the party to help their mujahideen.
He pointed out that Sayyed Nasrallah remained in all stages with the causes of the peoples, up to the grievances of the Yemenis, and his role was clear, explicit, strong, and supportive of the Yemenis in every way possible, in addition to his great, distinguished and pioneering role in thwarting the plot of America and Israel to stir up sectarian strife among Muslims.
He described the dangerous and destructive project of stirring up strife among Muslims and tearing them apart as one of the most dangerous American and Israeli conspiracies aimed at destroying the nation. He pointed out that Sayyed Nasrallah had a great interest in seeking friendly and brotherly relations between Muslims and his efforts in this regard are clear and well-known, stressing that his martyrdom is a great tragedy and a loss for the nation.
“The Israeli enemy targeted Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah with great hatred, because of his great role in confronting the Israeli enemy, thwarting its plots , inflicting major and humiliating defeats on it,” he added.
“The Israeli enemy has serious practical objectives in targeting Sayyed Nasrallah to target the role of Hezbollah and the Lebanese front in confronting the Israeli enemy and supporting the Palestinian people,” he said.
He emphasized that Hezbollah’s front, since its inception, has emerged as a strong and very effective front in confronting the Israeli enemy, and a front that has achieved the major victories known in all past stages.
“Over the course of a year, the role of the Lebanese Support Front emerged as the first role in supporting the Palestinian people as a hot, strong, effective and influential front against the enemy, which has been trying for more than 40 years to get rid of the Hezbollah Front and eliminate it,” he said.
He pointed out that the Israeli enemy failed even when it targeted specific leaders or prominent figures from Hezbollah or committed mass murders. He pointed out that the conspiracies on the Lebanese front were not worked on by the Israeli alone, but the American was always with him.
“If Arab armies or other entities that are not based on faith faced what Hezbollah faced at this stage, they might have reached the point of collapse, as Arab regimes and armies collapsed in a matter of days even though they did not reach the level of difficulties that Hezbollah faced.”
The Revolution Leader also emphasized that Hezbollah is steadfast , its popular support is also cohesive and confident, its front is strong and effective and cannot collapse due to storms , adversity, and the faith-based launch is a launch that connects the mujahideen nation to God Almighty, his care and support.
“One of the enemy’s goals by targeting Sayyed Nasrallah was to collapse Hezbollah’s front and get rid of its important role for the Palestinian cause,” he said, citing what the criminal Netanyahu spoke after targeting Sayyed Nasrallah about controlling the Middle East and did not limit himself to talking about Lebanon or Palestine, because he considered Hezbollah and His Eminence the Secretary-General a major obstacle to the Israeli enemy’s project, and this was one of the reasons for his assassination.
He explained that the ambitions of the Israeli enemy are aggressive, domination and acquisition, stressing that despite the great loss by the martyrdom of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, the march of Hezbollah remains steadfast, firm and effective.
The leader pointed out that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah came within a jihadist, Hussaini faith march from the school of jihad , martyrdom, and worked in the past stages to consolidate Hussaini jihadist faith spirit as a spirit, thought, awareness, insight and conviction, to build the practical and organizational level of Hezbollah’s structure.
“Hezbollah’s structure is cohesive, because it is a jihadist faith structure that does not disintegrate, scatter or collapse due to storms, adversity , sorrows, and Hezbollah’s public is a cohesive and strong nation in the face of challenges, storms , horrors, and has withstood the crime of the Beijer bombing and the subsequent assassinations and the crimes of large-scale destruction during these days,” he said.
He spoke about the speech of Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem, which expressed confidence, cohesion and steadfastness, as well as the decision that cannot change, because it is a decision based on the faith in which Hezbollah moves.
Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi stated that the Israeli enemy turned to the ground aggression and hoped that the conditions had been prepared for it and that Hezbollah’s structure had collapsed, and bet on invading Lebanon again or parts of it, but it was surprised and suffered a strong shock while it is still at the edges of the borders with occupied Palestine and even in the occupied sites.
“When the enemy wanted to begin attempts to advance, he received a strong slap and a humiliating blow from Hezbollah mujahideen, and the horror of the shock was clear, and he started talking about what happened to his army during its attempts to incursion into Lebanon as a disaster and shock,” he said.
He pointed out that the state of Hezbollah’s mujahideen, their cohesion and fortitude, and their readiness in abusing the Israeli enemy is the same as it was in all that he tried and failed. He added, “Hezbollah’s situation did not change after the martyrdom of His Eminence the Secretary General of Hezbollah, except for the difference that they became more steadfast, determined and dedicated to work for the sake of God.”
He reiterated that the mujahideen in Hezbollah have more motivation and drive after the martyrdom of the Secretary General of Hezbollah than before, and the state that is reflected in their reality is not helplessness, failure, or weakness, but determination, and keenness to perform the honorable position.
“The mujahideen in Hezbollah are more interested and daring in targeting the Israeli enemy entity and confronting it, and today they are more eager to confront it than at any previous stage, while the Israeli enemy does not understand this mujahideen nation with its spirit, faith and determination and imagines that crimes against leaders will fulfill its hope for the collapse of the rest of the nation,” he said.
The Revolution Leader pointed out that days after targeting the Secretary General of Hezbollah, the enemy began to express a different logic from its arrogant and satanic logic, talking about shock and surprise, making it imperative for this enemy to understand that it will not achieve its hopes by targeting the Secretary General of Hezbollah nor by targeting its leading cadres.
He also stressed that Hezbollah is cohesive in its structure, organization and composition, firm in its position and capable, with the help of God Almighty, of achieving victory and inflicting humiliating defeats on the Israeli enemy. He pointed out that the message of Hezbollah’s mujahideen to Sayyed Nasrallah, “As you always promised us victory, we promise you victory again,” is the logic of continuity and stability and the path of making victory.
“Since the day Sayyed Nasrallah said, ‘The time of defeats is over and the time of victories has come,’ he had established this equation and it today after his martyrdom with the blessing of his sacrifices, and with the effort and work that Sayyed Nasrallah provided for decades and with the blessing of sacrifice, God will not waste his effort, jihad and sacrifice.”
He explained that the impact of Sayyed Nasrallah’s jihad and sacrifice in the march of the mujahideen in Hezbollah will remain in the present , the future, the Israeli and American enemy must despair and the hypocrites must despair of achieving their satanic goals and hopes to end the great role of Hezbollah.
“I assure everyone that they should be reassured at the official level in Lebanon , the rest of the Lebanese components and trust Hezbollah in its cadres, men , mujahideen, and we affirm that we are with our brothers in Hezbollah, its masses , its popular support and always support the Lebanese people, which is the case of the entire axis,” he said.
“Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is aware of the sensitivity of this circumstance, and it is heading to pay attention to what is necessary in supporting Hezbollah, the responsibility of all Muslims is great to have a clear and serious position in supporting the Palestinians and supporting the Lebanese people,” the Leader added.
He highlighted the great displacement of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese people, which requires humanitarian attention from all Arab and Islamic countries. He called on governments and regimes to help the Lebanese government to take care of the displaced people, who have exceeded one million.
He stressed the need for serious political , media action and a sense of responsibility in light of the complete aggression against Lebanon, stressing that the Israeli enemy is aggressing and launching a complete and comprehensive aggression against Lebanon, and therefore it is necessary to support the Lebanese people with all forms of support.
The missile strike carried out by the Islamic Republic of Iran was the largest strike that the Israeli enemy has received since the beginning of its occupation of Palestine, and it covered an area throughout occupied Palestine, up to opposite Ashkelon, focused on the military bases and spy centers of the usurping entity.
He pointed out that the Iranian missiles reached 99 percent, as announced, and the video documented scenes of their arrival appeared as they pounded the Israeli bases, millions of Zionist Jews fled with great terror , clear panic to shelters, as well as Zionist criminal leaders, and Jewish Zionist soldiers lived in a state of terror in various parts of Palestine.
He pointed out that the second “True Promise” operation is the implementation of the Islamic Republic’s commitment after the Israeli enemy’s assassination of the Islamic nation’s martyr Ismail Haniyeh and the crime of targeting Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, describing the operation as successful , powerful and not hindered by US bases despite the US repeatedly declaring that it will work to protect the Israeli enemy.
The Revolution Leader stated that Operation Honest Promise II was necessary and broke the encirclement, terrorism, intimidation and attempts to stop it by the US and its tools. He emphasized that the American protection of the Israeli enemy from the Islamic Republic’s missiles has failed despite its promises and efforts to achieve this.
“Our nation always needs to have the courage to take the position that represents a realistic necessity , a religious, moral and humanitarian responsibility to deter the Israeli enemy, which can never be prevented from committing crimes and keep it from further escalation , aggression except by strong, deterrent and effective operations,” he said.
He stressed the need for jihad , serious and effective action to deter the Israeli enemy. He emphasized the need for jihad , serious and effective action to deter the Israeli enemy.
“After the Iranian operation, the hearts of the Palestinian , Lebanese peoples and the peoples of our nation were filled with joy and happiness, while the hearts of the Zionists were filled with terror, fear and oppression,” he added.
Sayyed Al-Qaida addressed the Islamic Resistance role in Iraq, which has carried out intensive operations over the past few days , is heading towards further escalation and high effectiveness.
He reminded everyone that Gaza front has been hot for over a year, and the mujahideen there are providing a great and distinguished model of patience, steadfastness, exceptionalism and sacrifice, and the Palestinian popular support has provided a model of cohesion and patience despite the suffering and unparalleled genocidal crimes. He pointed out that “Jaffa” operation carried out by Al-Qassam Brigades shook the Israeli enemy entity.