
Hezbollah Launches Coordinated Rocket Strikes on Israeli Military Gatherings Across Multiple Sites


On Thursday, Hezbollah announced a series of precision rocket strikes targeting Israeli military gatherings at several locations. The strikes, aimed at supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and defending Lebanon, hit various sites and settlements.

According to Hezbollah, Islamic Resistance fighters began the operations at 1:50 PM by targeting Israeli forces in the Hanita settlement and the Kiryat area, north of Haifa, with rocket salvos. Shortly after, at 2:00 PM, rockets targeted enemy forces stationed near the entrance to the Hermon site. Five minutes later, additional strikes were reported on Israeli troop gatherings in both the Lyman and Saar settlements, north of Nahariya.

Hezbollah affirmed that these coordinated attacks were launched to support Gaza’s Palestinian population and to reinforce Lebanon’s defense against perceived threats.