
Seyyed Nasr Allah Says Riyadh’s Summits will have no effect on Yemenis





Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Riyadh`s Summits, which was led by US President Donald Trump, would have no effect on Yemenis who have faced the war against Yemen by Saudi-led Coalition.

Seyyed Nasr Allah confirmed in a speech in commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the liberation of the southern Lebanon from the Israeli occupation, the final statement in Saudi was only made by the US president and Saudis, would have no effect on Yemenis.

He added that the final statement of the Riyadh summit was not acceptable for the resistance movement and it would have no effect on the situation in Lebanon.

Referring to Bahrain`a situation, Sayyed Nasrallah said the Bahrain king took the green light from the US president to go on with his oppression… while the latter does not care for human rights, he only cares about money

Seyyed Nasr Allah advised Saudi to hold dialogue with Iran, adding ” Iran is becoming more powerful and significant and I advise the Saudis to hold dialogue with Iran.”

Nasrallah dissuaded on Arabic youth`s resistance culture, adding ” look at Palestine today… the new generation is the one who is fighting and carrying knives against the enemy.