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Israeli Forces Arrest 7 Palestinian and Target Fishermen

YemenExtra Y.A The Israeli forces, last night and Tuesday dawn, launched a campaign of arrest and raid in a number of cities in the West Bank, while the Israeli boats targeted fishermen in the sea of Gaza. According to the agency…

SAA scores massive advances against Daesh in east Homs

YemenExtra M.A. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) supported by allied groups scored a massive advance against Daesh in eastern Homs. Their efforts targeted regions surrounding Palmyra, which lies on their way to Deir Ezzor city, where…

Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt cut ties with Qatar

YemenExtra Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt have cut diplomatic ties and all land sea and air contacts with Qatar, accusing the Persian Gulf country of supporting terrorism and interfering in their internal affairs. Riyadh…