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“Daesh” Launches deadly Raids across Western Iraq

YemenExtra Y.A "Daesh" , backed by Saudi, released a characteristic 16-minute video on Friday, showing large convoys and units attacking Iraqi outposts and army bases, including Asad Airbase, in western Anbar. "Daesh" fighters,…

Many Palestinians Arrested in the West Bank

YemenExtra Y.A The Israeli forces arrested on Friday dawn a Palestinian boy and young man from the town of Tekoa east of Bethlehem in the West Bank. According to a security source, the Israeli forces arrested Mustafa Jamal al-Badin…

Iran Respond to Ben Salman’s Remarks

YemenExtra Y.A Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qasimi said that Saudi Arabia was seeking to provoke tension in the region in response to comments made by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In a comment on the remarks,…