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Yemenis are paying the price of the war with Iran!!

YemenExtra SH.A.    By: Nicholas Kristof Just a few days ago, bombs (perhaps American made) killed four Yemeni children. Every 12 minutes, another child in Yemen dies. Yemen is a complicated place with many bad actors, but…

The War on Yemen’s Children

YemenExtra SH.A. By DANIEL LARISON UNICEF’s Henrietta Fore details the horrifying impact of the war on Yemen on Yemeni children: Around 360,000 suffer severe acute malnutrition, and half of Yemeni children under-five – or 2.5…

Yemen face structural, economic challenges

YemenExtra SH.A. Written by Mona Zaid Yemen has long faced structural, economic, social and security challenges, The war that started in 2015 has only exacerbated Yemen’s many previous woes. The conflict, gradually…

Al-Fujairah: The result of crimes of Saudi and UAE

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Mohammad Ghaderi Though Emirates officials are trying to censor news of the firing of tankers in the port of al- Fujairah, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi appear to have faced the consequences of their terrorist acts in…

What’s going on in Yemen?

YemenExtra Written by Mona Zaid The one thing we can be certain of is that Yemen is at a crossroads. And that crossroads has become a chaotic intersection with no traffic lights. Yemen is not the most peaceful corner of the…

The Infernal War in Yemen

YemenExtra  SH.A. Written by Mona Zaid It’s the war from hell, the savage one that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with seven other Middle Eastern and North African states, have been waging in Yemen since March 2015,…

Four Years of Forgotten War on Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Majed Alwishaliy In four years of aggression against Yemen, what has been produced? An humanitarian crisis for the Yemeni people: The United Nations says nearly 100 civilians are killed or injured every…