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‘Every War Is a War Against Children’

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Kathy Kelly At 9:30 in the morning of March 26, the start of the fifth year of the Saudi-led coalition war against Yemen, the entrance to a rural hospital in the northwest part of the country was…

Premeditated Saudi Crimes in Yemen

YemenExtra By: Ismail al-Mahaqri Translated by: Shefa'a Abdullah In the history of wars throughout the ages, no party has ever recognized or admitted of doing a crime, whether it was committed deliberately or by mistake ,…

End U.S. Support for the Abominable War on Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: DANIEL LARISON A new report from the Yemeni human rights group Mwatana and the University Network for Human Rights details the use of U.S. and U.K.-made weapons in Saudi coalition attacks on civilian targets over the…