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The Saudi Coalition Can’t Be Trusted with U.S. Weapons

YemenExtra SH.A. By DANIEL LARISON CNN has more details about the spread of U.S.-supplied weapons to terrorists and war criminals in Yemen that I discussed here: Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have transferred…

Thousands of Yemenis depend on food aid

YemenExtra By: Mona Zaid More than half of Yemen's population faces 'severe acute food insecurity. United Nations in Yemen says 8.4 million Yemenis are severely food insecure and depend on emergency food assistance. Yemen's war…

2019 Must Belong to the Children of Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Benazir Jatoi Children in Yemen are dying of starvation and malnutrition as I write. Some put the figure of dead children due to starvation at 85,000. This is a conservative estimate. According to the UN, one child…

Why Yemen Matters to Saudi Arabia and the West

YemenExtra SH.A. By Farzad Farhadi Yemen is one of the most populous countries on the Arabian Peninsula. With a population that is 35 percent Shia, Saudi Arabia has also been concerned by what it sees as Iranian meddling in Yemen.…

Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen has failed

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Mona Zaid In fact, on almost every measure, Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen has failed, three and a half years after the launch of what was meant to be a quick military operation, the Houthis are stronger than ever,…

I Urge You: Stop Fueling the War in Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Tamer Kirolos Yemeni children are living in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. I see their suffering every day while working on the ground in Yemen. The only way to end this suffering is to end the war. It is…

Congress Can End U.S. Involvement in the War on Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: DANIEL LARISON The Guardian reports on the efforts in the House and Senate to cut off U.S. support for the war on Yemen: Congress is expected to make an unprecedented challenge to Donald Trump’s authority to…

The First Attack of the 2019 Anti-Aggressor Drones

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Farzad Farhadi As UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths continues Track II efforts to lay the foundation for peace-building in Yemen, the Yemeni army and popular committees report the attack on the…