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The world ignores Yemen’s humanitarian crisis

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Mia Swart Yemen, the poorest country in of Middle East, has long been the most neglected and could not stand in starker contrast to its rich, glitzy neighbors. Over the past two years it has hit the headlines…

The New Unbearable Crime of the Saudis

YemenExtra SH.A. By Mohammad Ghaderi  Turkish officials speaking to The Washington Post and Reuters on Saturday said that prominent Saudi journalist-turned-critic Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in…

Starvation and Child Soldiers: On the Ground in Yemen

Y emenExtra SH.A. BY: LARA SELIGMAN International Rescue Committee chief sees the devastation firsthand and calls on the United States to end support for the Saudi-led coalition. In health centers across Yemen, children are…