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Germany, Norway, and Spain End Arm Sales to Saudis
By: Daniel Larison
Joining Germany and Norway, Spain has become the latest arms supplier to Saudi Arabia to halt its sales of weapons because of the coalition’s indiscriminate bombing campaign in Yemen:
Spain says it has…
Situation in Yemen should lead us to return to a constitutional foreign policy
“Made in America” has meant a lot of things over the years, and it can mean different things depending on your perspective. Unfortunately, if you live in Yemen, you are the latest in a long line of…
War Crimes In Yemen
by Paul R. Pillar
The war in Yemen has been for some time one of the worst current man-made humanitarian disasters. Now comes a report, from the United Nations Human Rights Council and based on extensive…
The Failed Saudi War on Yemen
The Saudi coalition war on Yemen has devastated the country’s economy, reduced millions to starvation, caused widespread malnutrition and deprivation, and created the conditions for the world’s worst…
Israeli Army Trained Saudi Forces, Deployed Gaza Scenario in Yemeni Cities
Dr. Saeb Shaath
Political analyst Saeb Shaath says the Saudis turned to the Israeli military for help and the Zionists trained them with “their Nazi tactics” and deployed the Gaza scenario in major areas of Yemen.
Yemen war challenges Saudi moral authority
By Dr. James M. Dorsey
Saudi conduct of its ill-fated war in Yemen coupled with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s alignment with the Trump administration and Israel, and his often coercive approach to diplomatic relations,…
US Bombs Are Being Used In Potential War Crimes In Yemen
By Jake Godin
Saudi Arabia and its coalition have been accused of indiscriminate bombing in Yemen over and over again. And in some of the cases, they're using U.S.-made bombs.
Saudi Arabia and a host of other countries…
The Saudi Coalition’s Callous Disregard for Yemeni Lives
The New York Times also calls for a halt to U.S. support for the war on Yemen:
Saudi Arabia and its allies seem to have little compunction about slaughtering children as long as more bombs can be…
The Human Tragedy in al-Hudayda: From U.S. Role to UN Silence
By: Ramin Hossein Abadian
The Saudi-led coalition has once again committed a horrible crime in al-Hudydah. It was only two weeks ago that another human tragedy took place in the city of “Saada” in Yemen.
The coalition’s…
US Leaders Aid And War Crimes In Yemen
By: Marjorie Cohn
US leaders who provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition that bombed civilians in Yemen this August could be charged with aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes under customary…