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No Military Solution in Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By Abdel Bari Atwan The war in Yemen has reached a decisive stage with the announcement that the army of President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi, backed by the Saudi-UAE coalition and forces loyal to Gen. Tareq Ali Abdallah…

Yemen war: swamp for Saudi and UAE economy

YemenExtra By: Farzad Farhadi The war the Saudi-UAE-U.S. coalition launched on March 26, 2015, against Yemen has not achieved its goals. In addition to the casualties of its forces and its mercenaries, the war costs the UAE about $…

Yemeni Missile Power Surprising Aggressors

YemenExtra By: Fatemeh Salehi The Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees on Friday said that it produced new, domestically-manufactured ballistic missiles that were made by Yemeni experts. It claimed that a new…

Blaming Iran for the Sufferings of Yemenis is Laughable

YemenExtra By: M.A. Saki The new U.S. leadership is resorting to every ploys and lies to demonize Iran. The new project of Iranophobia has intensified since Pompeo confirmed as secretary of state in late April. He seems to be…

The UAE Runs Torture Prisons in ‘Liberated’ Yemen

YemenExtra By: Daniel Larison While the UAE and its proxies attack Hodeidah in northern Yemen, the Emirati government is also torturing Yemeni detainees in the occupied south: Witnesses said Yemeni guards working under the…

Why Are American Troops in the Yemen War?

YemenExtra By: The Editorial Board of The New York Times The Pentagon and the Trump administration apparently have misled Americans about growing military involvement in a war in Yemen that we should have nothing to do with. In the…